Utah Code > Title 76 > Chapter 6 > Part 4 – Theft
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Terms Used In Utah Code > Title 76 > Chapter 6 > Part 4 - Theft
- Act: means a voluntary bodily movement and includes speech. See Utah Code 76-1-101.5
- Actor: means a person whose criminal responsibility is in issue in a criminal action. See Utah Code 76-1-101.5
- Arrest: Taking physical custody of a person by lawful authority.
- Conduct: means an act or omission. See Utah Code 76-1-101.5
- Continuance: Putting off of a hearing ot trial until a later time.
- Conviction: A judgement of guilt against a criminal defendant.
- Corporation: A legal entity owned by the holders of shares of stock that have been issued, and that can own, receive, and transfer property, and carry on business in its own name.
- Damages: Money paid by defendants to successful plaintiffs in civil cases to compensate the plaintiffs for their injuries.
- Embezzlement: In most states, embezzlement is defined as theft/larceny of assets (money or property) by a person in a position of trust or responsibility over those assets. Embezzlement typically occurs in the employment and corporate settings. Source: OCC
- Equitable: Pertaining to civil suits in "equity" rather than in "law." In English legal history, the courts of "law" could order the payment of damages and could afford no other remedy. See damages. A separate court of "equity" could order someone to do something or to cease to do something. See, e.g., injunction. In American jurisprudence, the federal courts have both legal and equitable power, but the distinction is still an important one. For example, a trial by jury is normally available in "law" cases but not in "equity" cases. Source: U.S. Courts
- Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
- Grand jury: agreement providing that a lender will delay exercising its rights (in the case of a mortgage,
- Guardian: A person legally empowered and charged with the duty of taking care of and managing the property of another person who because of age, intellect, or health, is incapable of managing his (her) own affairs.
- Guardian: includes a person who:(14)(a) qualifies as a guardian of a minor or incapacitated person pursuant to testamentary or court appointment; or(14)(b) is appointed by a court to manage the estate of a minor or incapacitated person. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Indictment: The formal charge issued by a grand jury stating that there is enough evidence that the defendant committed the crime to justify having a trial; it is used primarily for felonies.
- Lease: A contract transferring the use of property or occupancy of land, space, structures, or equipment in consideration of a payment (e.g., rent). Source: OCC
- Lien: A claim against real or personal property in satisfaction of a debt.
- Livestock guardian dog: means the same as that term is defined in Section 76-6-111. See Utah Code 76-6-401
- Obligation: An order placed, contract awarded, service received, or similar transaction during a given period that will require payments during the same or a future period.
- Obtain: means , in relation to property, to bring about a transfer of possession or of some other legally recognized interest in property, whether to the obtainer or another; in relation to labor or services, to secure performance thereof; and in relation to a trade secret, to make any facsimile, replica, photograph, or other reproduction. See Utah Code 76-6-401
- Offense: means a violation of any penal statute of this state. See Utah Code 76-1-101.5
- Partnership: A voluntary contract between two or more persons to pool some or all of their assets into a business, with the agreement that there will be a proportional sharing of profits and losses.
- Person: means an individual, public or private corporation, government, partnership, or unincorporated association. See Utah Code 76-1-101.5
- Personal property: All property that is not real property.
- Personal property: includes :(25)(a) money;(25)(b) goods;(25)(c) chattels;(25)(d) effects;(25)(e) evidences of a right in action;(25)(f) a written instrument by which a pecuniary obligation, right, or title to property is created, acknowledged, transferred, increased, defeated, discharged, or diminished; and(25)(g) a right or interest in an item described in Subsections (25)(a) through (f). See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Plaintiff: The person who files the complaint in a civil lawsuit.
- Possess: means to have physical possession of or to exercise dominion or control over tangible property. See Utah Code 76-1-101.5
- Process: means a writ or summons issued in the course of a judicial proceeding. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Property: means anything of value, including real estate, tangible and intangible personal property, captured or domestic animals and birds, written instruments or other writings representing or embodying rights concerning real or personal property, labor, services, or otherwise containing anything of value to the owner, commodities of a public utility nature such as telecommunications, gas, electricity, steam, or water, and trade secrets, meaning the whole or any portion of any scientific or technical information, design, process, procedure, formula, or invention which the owner intends to be available only to persons selected by the owner. See Utah Code 76-6-401
- Purpose to deprive: means to have the conscious object:(6)(a) to withhold property permanently or for so extended a period or to use under such circumstances that a substantial portion of its economic value, or of the use and benefit thereof, would be lost;(6)(b) to restore the property only upon payment of a reward or other compensation; or(6)(c) to dispose of the property under circumstances that make it unlikely that the owner will recover it. See Utah Code 76-6-401
- Restitution: The court-ordered payment of money by the defendant to the victim for damages caused by the criminal action.
- State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes a state, district, or territory of the United States. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Testimony: Evidence presented orally by witnesses during trials or before grand juries.
- Trial: A hearing that takes place when the defendant pleads "not guilty" and witnesses are required to come to court to give evidence.