§ 3.2-6400 Definitions
§ 3.2-6401 Liability limited; liability actions prohibited
§ 3.2-6402 Notice required

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Terms Used In Virginia Code > Title 3.2 > Subtitle V > Chapter 64 - Agritourism Activity Liability

  • Accounts receivable: refers to the classification of debts due the Commonwealth, including judgments, fines, costs, and penalties imposed upon conviction for criminal and traffic offenses, and as defined in the guidelines adopted by the State Comptroller. See Virginia Code 2.2-4801
  • Agricultural products: means any livestock, aquaculture, poultry, horticultural, floricultural, viticulture, silvicultural, or other farm crops. See Virginia Code 3.2-6400
  • Agritourism activity: means any activity carried out on a farm or ranch that allows members of the general public, for recreational, entertainment, or educational purposes, to view or enjoy rural activities, including farming, wineries, ranching, horseback riding, historical, cultural, harvest-your-own activities, or natural activities and attractions. See Virginia Code 3.2-6400
  • Agritourism professional: means any person who is engaged in the business of providing one or more agritourism activities, whether or not for compensation. See Virginia Code 3.2-6400
  • Animal: means any organism of the kingdom Animalia, other than a human being. See Virginia Code 3.2-5900
  • Appellate: About appeals; an appellate court has the power to review the judgement of another lower court or tribunal.
  • Bonds: means any bonds, refunding bonds, notes, debentures, interim certificates, or any bond, grant, revenue anticipation notes or any other evidences of indebtedness or obligation of an authority, whether in temporary or definitive form and whether the interest thereon is exempt from federal income taxation. See Virginia Code 2.2-2200
  • Continuance: Putting off of a hearing ot trial until a later time.
  • Council: means the governing body of a city or town. See Virginia Code 15.2-102
  • County: means any existing county or such unit hereafter created. See Virginia Code 15.2-102
  • Deed: The legal instrument used to transfer title in real property from one person to another.
  • Defendant: In a civil suit, the person complained against; in a criminal case, the person accused of the crime.
  • Farm or ranch: means one or more areas of land used for the production, cultivation, growing, harvesting or processing of agricultural products. See Virginia Code 3.2-6400
  • Governing body: means the board of supervisors of a county, council of a city, or council of a town, as the context may require. See Virginia Code 15.2-102
  • Interest rate: The amount paid by a borrower to a lender in exchange for the use of the lender's money for a certain period of time. Interest is paid on loans or on debt instruments, such as notes or bonds, either at regular intervals or as part of a lump sum payment when the issue matures. Source: OCC
  • Lender: means any federal- or state-chartered bank, federal land bank, production credit association, bank for cooperatives, federal- or state-chartered savings institution, building and loan association, small business investment company, or any other financial institution qualified within the Commonwealth to originate and service loans, including insurance companies, credit unions, investment banking or brokerage companies, and mortgage loan companies. See Virginia Code 2.2-2279
  • Litigation: A case, controversy, or lawsuit. Participants (plaintiffs and defendants) in lawsuits are called litigants.
  • Livestock: includes all domestic or domesticated bovine animals; equine animals; ovine animals; porcine animals; cervidae animals; capradae animals; animals of the genus Lama or Vicugna; ratites; fish or shellfish in aquaculture facilities, as defined in § Virginia Code 3.2-5900
  • Loan: means any lease, loan agreement, or sales contract defined as follows:

    1. See Virginia Code 2.2-2279

  • local government: shall be construed to mean a county, city, or town as the context may require. See Virginia Code 15.2-102
  • Outlays: Outlays are payments made (generally through the issuance of checks or disbursement of cash) to liquidate obligations. Outlays during a fiscal year may be for payment of obligations incurred in prior years or in the same year.
  • Participant: means any person, other than an agritourism professional, who engages in an agritourism activity. See Virginia Code 3.2-6400
  • Past-due: means any account receivable for which payment has not been received by the payment due date. See Virginia Code 2.2-4801
  • Poultry: includes all domestic fowl and game birds raised in captivity. See Virginia Code 3.2-5900
  • Presiding officer: A majority-party Senator who presides over the Senate and is charged with maintaining order and decorum, recognizing Members to speak, and interpreting the Senate's rules, practices and precedents.
  • Public facilities: means (i) airports, landing fields, and air navigation facilities; (ii) educational facilities; (iii) flood control, bank and shore protection, watershed protection, and dams; (iv) hospital facilities; (v) judicial and court facilities; (vi) correctional facilities, including jails and penitentiaries; (vii) library facilities; (viii) military installations; (ix) parks so designated by the Commonwealth or by the locality in its comprehensive plan; (x) properties of historical significance so designated by the Commonwealth; (xi) law enforcement, fire, emergency medical, and rescue facilities; (xii) sanitary sewer, water or stormwater facilities; (xiii) transportation facilities including highways, roads, streets, and bridges, traffic signals, related easements and rights-of-way, mass transit, ports, and any components of federal, state, or local transportation facilities; (xiv) waste management facilities for hazardous, radioactive, or other waste; (xv) office facilities occupied by a public corporation; and (xvi) such other facilities that are necessary to the construction, maintenance, or operation of a public facility as listed in clauses (i) through (xv) and directly related thereto. See Virginia Code 1-219.1
  • Reporter: Makes a record of court proceedings and prepares a transcript, and also publishes the court's opinions or decisions (in the courts of appeals).
  • Town: means any existing town or an incorporated community within one or more counties which became a town before noon, July one, nineteen hundred seventy-one, as provided by law or which has within defined boundaries a population of 1,000 or more and which has become a town as provided by law. See Virginia Code 15.2-102