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(a) The order of layoff of such employees may be determined by seniority or performance or a combination thereof or by other factors.


(4) Resignations shall be regulated by the rules of the director.




(c) The director shall establish guidelines for uniform application of this authority among the various agencies.


230.34 Demotion, suspension, discharge and layoff.




(a) An employee with permanent status in class or an employee who has served with the state as an assistant district attorney for a continuous period of 12 months or more may be removed, suspended without pay, discharged, reduced in base pay or demoted only for just cause.


(am) If an employee fails to report for work as scheduled or to contact his or her supervisor, the appointing authority may discipline the employee. If an employee fails to report for work as scheduled, or to contact his or her supervisor for a minimum of 5 consecutive working days, the appointing authority shall consider the employee’s position abandoned and may discipline the employee or treat the employee as having resigned his or her position. If the appointing authority decides to treat the position abandonment as a resignation, the appointing authority shall notify the employee in writing that the employee is being treated as having effectively resigned as of the end of the last day worked.


(ar) Paragraphs (a) and (am) apply to all employees with permanent status in class in the classified service and all employees who have served with the state as an assistant district attorney for a continuous period of 12 months or more.


1. Notwithstanding pars. (a), (am), and (ar), during a state of emergency declared by the governor under § 323.10, an appointing authority may discharge any employee who does any of the following:


a. Fails to report to work as scheduled for any 3 working days during the state of emergency and the employee’s absences from work are not approved leaves of absence.


b. Participates in a strike, work stoppage, sit-down, stay-in, slowdown, or other concerted activities to interrupt the operations or services of state government, including specifically participation in purported mass resignations or sick calls.


2. Engaging in any action under subd. 1. constitutes just cause for discharge.


3. Before discharging an employee, the appointing authority shall provide the employee notice of the action and shall furnish to the employee in writing the reasons for the action. The appointing authority shall provide the employee an opportunity to respond to the reasons for the discharge.


(b) No suspension without pay shall be effective for more than 30 days. The appointing authority shall, at the time of any action under this section, furnish to the employee in writing the reasons for the action.


(2) Employees with permanent status in class in permanent, sessional and seasonal positions in the classified service and employees serving a probationary period in such positions after promotion or transfer may be laid off because of a reduction in force due to a stoppage or lack of work or funds or owing to material changes in duties or organization but only after all original appointment probationary and limited term employees in the classes used for layoff, are terminated.


(b) The administrator shall promulgate rules governing layoffs and appeals therefrom and alternative procedures in lieu of layoff to include voluntary and involuntary demotion and the exercise of a displacing right to a comparable or lower class, as well as the subsequent employee right of restoration or eligibility for reinstatement.


(2m) Employees in positions funded by nonstate funds made available contingent on special employee eligibility requirements such as length of prior unemployment, specific occupational disadvantages or need for remedial work experience, shall be exempt from inclusion with the employees whose positions are in classes considered for layoff under sub. (2). In the case of reduction in force in such nonstate funded positions, layoffs and layoff procedures established pursuant to the rules of the administrator may be limited to employees whose positions are dependent upon specific funding contingencies.


(3) The appointing authority shall confer with the administrator relative to a proposed layoff a reasonable time before the effective date thereof in order to assure compliance with the rules.