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64.39 Number of alderpersons in 2nd and 3rd class cities; election of officers in 2nd class cities.


(1) Any city of the 2nd or 3rd class operating under §§ 64.25 to 64.40 may, by a vote of the electors therein, as herein provided, increase the number of the members of the council in such cities from a mayor and 2 council members, to a mayor and one council member from each aldermanic district, the mayor to be elected at large and to be paid such salary as may be fixed by the council and the council members to be elected by the electors of the respective aldermanic districts and each to be paid a salary not exceeding $50 per month. The question of increasing the council as provided in this section and subject to the provisions hereof, shall, upon petition as hereinafter provided, be submitted to the electors. The question to be submitted, shall be substantially as follows: “Shall the council in the city of …. be increased from a mayor and 2 council members to a mayor and one council member from each aldermanic district, in accordance with the provisions of § 64.39 of the Wisconsin Statutes?”


(2) Such petition shall conform to the requirements of § 8.40 and shall be signed by qualified electors of such city at least equal in number to 25% of the total number of votes cast in such city for all candidates for governor at the last preceding general election. Such petition shall be filed with the city clerk as provided in § 8.37 and after being so filed, no name shall be erased or removed therefrom and no signature shall be valid or be counted unless its date is less than one month preceding the date of such filing.


(3) Upon filing such petition, the mayor shall, by proclamation, submit the questions prescribed in sub. (1) at a special election to be held at a time specified therein and within 2 months after such petition is filed. The election upon such question shall be conducted, the vote canvassed, and the result declared in the same manner as provided by law for other city elections.


(5) The terms of office of the mayor and council members in office at the time of the first election of officers under this section shall terminate on the third Tuesday of April next succeeding such election.


(6) Any city which has adopted the provisions of this section may abandon the same and reorganize under ch. 62 or §§ 64.01 to 64.36 by proceeding in accordance with § 64.25.


(4) If a majority of the votes cast upon the question at such election be in favor thereof, there shall be elected at the election held as provided by law upon the first Tuesday of April next succeeding, a mayor from the city at large and one council member from each aldermanic district. Each such officer shall be nominated and elected in the manner provided by law for the nomination and election of candidates in cities other than those operating under §§ 64.25 to 64.40. The term of each such officer shall commence on the 3rd Tuesday of April next succeeding, and in the case of the mayor and council member from the even-numbered aldermanic districts shall continue for 2 years and in the case of council members from the odd-numbered aldermanic districts shall continue for one year, and until their respective successors are elected and qualify. Thereafter the term of office of the mayor and of each council member elected for a full term shall be 2 years and the successor to each such officer shall be elected for a term of 2 years.


(7) In any city of the second class operating under §§ 64.25 to 64.40, the mayor, with the confirmation of the majority of the council, shall appoint a city clerk, a corporation counsel, a comptroller, a treasurer, a superintendent of streets, an assessor and such other officers, assistants and employees as are necessary to the efficient conduct of the affairs of the city and shall fix the terms of service and salaries of all such officers, assistants and employees. Provided, if the council shall so determine by resolution it may by a majority vote appoint all such officers, assistants and employees and fix their terms of service and salaries.