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Terms Used In Wisconsin Statutes 196.217

  • Basic message telecommunications service: means long distance toll service as provided on January 1, 1994, on a direct-dialed, single-message, dial-1 basis between local exchanges in this state at tariff rates. See Wisconsin Statutes 196.01
  • Commission: means the public service commission. See Wisconsin Statutes 196.01
  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
  • Interlata: means between local access and transport areas. See Wisconsin Statutes 196.01
  • Intralata: means within the boundaries of a local access and transport area. See Wisconsin Statutes 196.01
  • State: when applied to states of the United States, includes the District of Columbia, the commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the several territories organized by Congress. See Wisconsin Statutes 990.01
  • Telecommunications service: includes switched access service. See Wisconsin Statutes 196.01
  • Telecommunications utility: means any person, corporation, company, cooperative, unincorporated cooperative association, partnership, association and lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court that owns, operates, manages or controls any plant or equipment used to furnish telecommunications services within the state directly or indirectly to the public. See Wisconsin Statutes 196.01
  • Wide-area telecommunications service: means the offering of message-based telecommunications service using a single, dedicated access line at the originating end of the call at a significant volume-based discount. See Wisconsin Statutes 196.01
   (1)    Different rates restricted. A telecommunications utility may not charge different rates for residential basic message telecommunications service, business basic message telecommunications service, or single-line wide-area telecommunications service on routes of similar distances within this state, unless authorized by the commission. This subsection does not prohibit volume or term discounts, discounts in promotional offerings, differences in the rates for intralata and interlata services of similar distances, the provision of optional toll calling plans to selected exchanges or customers or the passing through of any state or local taxes in the specific geographic area from which the tax originates.
   (2)   Toll services. Notwithstanding sub. (1), a telecommunications utility may charge prices for toll services under contract that are unique to a particular customer or group of customers if differences in the cost of providing a service or a service element justify a different price for a particular customer or group of customers, or if market conditions require individual pricing.
   (3)   Averaged rates. Notwithstanding subs. (1) and (2), an intralata toll provider shall offer all optional toll calling plans on a statewide basis at geographically averaged rates until the provider deploys intralata dial-1 presubscription, except that an optional toll call plan need not be offered where deployment of that offering would not be economically or technically feasible.