As used in sections 1503.50 to 1503.55 of the Revised Code:

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Terms Used In Ohio Code 1503.50

(A) “Conservation” means the wise use and management of natural resources.

(B) “Forestry pollution” means failure to use management or conservation practices in silvicultural operations to abate wind or water erosion of the soil or to abate the degradation of the waters of the state by soil sediment, including attached substances, from silvicultural operations.

(C) “Pollution abatement practice” means any erosion control practice or timber harvest best management practice or procedure and the operation and management associated with it as contained in a timber harvest plan.

(D) “Soil and water conservation district” has the same meaning as in section 940.01 of the Revised Code.

(E) “Timber harvest plan” means a written record, developed or approved by the chief of the division of forestry or the chief’s designee that contains implementation schedules and operational procedures for a level of land and water management that will abate wind or water erosion of the soil or abate the degradation of the waters of the state by soil sediment, including attached substances, from silvicultural operations.

(F) “Waters of the state” has the same meaning as in section 903.01 of the Revised Code.