As used in this part:

(1) “Committee” means the Primary Care Grant Committee described in Section 26B-1-410.

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Terms Used In Utah Code 26B-4-301

  • Committee: means the Primary Care Grant Committee described in Section 26B-1-410. See Utah Code 26B-4-301
  • Emergency medical dispatch center: means a public safety answering point, as defined in Section 63H-7a-103, that is designated as an emergency medical dispatch center by the office. See Utah Code 26B-4-301
  • Office: means the Office of Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness within the department. See Utah Code 26B-4-301
  • Person: means :
         (24)(a) an individual;
         (24)(b) an association;
         (24)(c) an institution;
         (24)(d) a corporation;
         (24)(e) a company;
         (24)(f) a trust;
         (24)(g) a limited liability company;
         (24)(h) a partnership;
         (24)(i) a political subdivision;
         (24)(j) a government office, department, division, bureau, or other body of government; and
         (24)(k) any other organization or entity. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Primary care grant: means a grant awarded by the department under Subsection 26B-4-310(1). See Utah Code 26B-4-301
  • Primary health care: includes :
              (11)(b)(i) services of physicians, nurses, physician's assistants, and dentists licensed to practice in this state under Title 58, Occupations and Professions;
              (11)(b)(ii) diagnostic and radiologic services;
              (11)(b)(iii) preventive health services including perinatal services, well-child services, and other services that seek to prevent disease or its consequences;
              (11)(b)(iv) emergency medical services;
              (11)(b)(v) preventive dental services; and
              (11)(b)(vi) pharmaceutical services. See Utah Code 26B-4-301
  • Process: means a writ or summons issued in the course of a judicial proceeding. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes a state, district, or territory of the United States. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
(2) “Community based organization”:

     (2)(a) means a private entity; and
     (2)(b) includes for profit and not for profit entities.
(3) “Cultural competence” means a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency, or profession and enables that system, agency, or profession to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.
(4) “Emergency medical dispatch center” means a public safety answering point, as defined in Section 63H-7a-103, that is designated as an emergency medical dispatch center by the office.
(5) “Health literacy” means the degree to which an individual has the capacity to obtain, process, and understand health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions.
(6) “Institutional capacity” means the ability of a community based organization to implement public and private contracts.
(7) “Medically underserved population” means the population of an urban or rural area or a population group that the committee determines has a shortage of primary health care.
(8) “Office” means the Office of Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness within the department.
(9) “Pregnancy support services” means services that:

     (9)(a) encourage childbirth instead of voluntary termination of pregnancy; and
     (9)(b) assist pregnant women, or women who may become pregnant, to choose childbirth whether they intend to parent or select adoption for the child.
(10) “Primary care grant” means a grant awarded by the department under Subsection 26B-4-310(1).

     (11)(a) “Primary health care” means:

          (11)(a)(i) basic and general health care services given when a person seeks assistance to screen for or to prevent illness and disease, or for simple and common illnesses and injuries; and
          (11)(a)(ii) care given for the management of chronic diseases.
     (11)(b) “Primary health care” includes:

          (11)(b)(i) services of physicians, nurses, physician’s assistants, and dentists licensed to practice in this state under Title 58, Occupations and Professions;
          (11)(b)(ii) diagnostic and radiologic services;
          (11)(b)(iii) preventive health services including perinatal services, well-child services, and other services that seek to prevent disease or its consequences;
          (11)(b)(iv) emergency medical services;
          (11)(b)(v) preventive dental services; and
          (11)(b)(vi) pharmaceutical services.