Utah Code 9-22-114. Computing Partnerships Grants program
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(1) There is created the Computing Partnerships Grants program consisting of the grants created in this part to provide for the design and implementation of a comprehensive K-16 computing partnerships program, based upon the following common elements:
Terms Used In Utah Code 9-22-114
- Computing partnerships: means a set of skills, knowledge, and aptitudes used in computer science, information technology, or computer engineering courses and career options. See Utah Code 9-22-102
- Grant program: means the Computing Partnerships Grants program created in this part. See Utah Code 9-22-102
- Process: means a writ or summons issued in the course of a judicial proceeding. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Review committee: means the committee established under Section 9-22-114. See Utah Code 9-22-102
- Stacked credentials: means credentials that:(12)(a) an individual can build upon to access an advanced job or higher wage;(12)(b) are part of a career pathway system;(12)(c) provide a pathway culminating in the equivalent of an associate's or bachelor's degree;(12)(d) facilitate multiple exit and entry points; and(12)(e) recognize sub-goals or momentum points. See Utah Code 9-22-102
- State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes a state, district, or territory of the United States. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- STEM: means science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. See Utah Code 9-22-102
- STEM Action Center: means the center described in Section 9-22-106. See Utah Code 9-22-102
(1)(a) outreach and student engagement;
(1)(b) courses and content;
(1)(c) instruction and instructional support;
(1)(d) work-based learning opportunities;
(1)(e) student retention;
(1)(f) industry engagement;
(1)(g) stacked credentials that allow for multiple exit and entry points;
(1)(h) competency-based learning strategies; and
(1)(i) secondary and post-secondary collaborations.
(2) The grant program shall incentivize public schools and school districts to work with the STEM Action Center, staff of the State Board of Education, Talent Ready Utah, industry representatives, and secondary partners on the design and implementation of comprehensive K-16 computing partnerships through:
(2)(a) leveraging existing resources for content, professional learning, and instruction, including existing career and technical education funds, programs, and initiatives;
(2)(b) allowing for the support of professional learning for pre- and in-service educators;
(2)(c) supporting activities that promote and enhance access, diversity, and equity;
(2)(d) supporting collaborations and partnerships between K-12, institutions of higher education, cultural and community partners, and industry representatives;
(2)(e) identifying the appropriate credentials that align with industry needs and providing the credentials in a stacked credentials pathway;
(2)(f) implementing a collaborative network that enables sharing and identification of best practices; and
(2)(g) providing infrastructure assistance that allows for the support of new courses and the expansion of capacity for existing courses.
(3) The grant program shall include the following:
(3)(a) rigorous and relevant metrics that are shared by all grant participants; and
(3)(b) an evaluation by the STEM Action Center of the grant program that identifies best practices.
(4) The STEM Action Center, in consultation with the State Board of Education, shall:
(4)(a) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, adopt rules:
(4)(a)(i) for the administration of the grant program and awarding of grants; and
(4)(a)(ii) that define outcome-based measures appropriate to the type of grant awarded under this part;
(4)(b) establish a grant application process;
(4)(c) in accordance with Subsection (5), establish a review committee to make recommendations for:
(4)(c)(i) metrics to analyze the quality of a grant application;
(4)(c)(ii) approval of a grant application; and
(4)(c)(iii) criteria to establish a requirement for an applicant to demonstrate financial need; and
(4)(d) with input from the review committee, adopt metrics to analyze the quality of a grant application.
(5)(a) The review committee shall consist of K-16 educators, staff of the State Board of Education, representatives of Talent Ready Utah, post-secondary partners, and industry representatives.
(5)(b) The review committee shall:
(5)(b)(i) review a grant application submitted;
(5)(b)(ii) make recommendations to a grant applicant to modify the grant application, if necessary; and
(5)(b)(iii) make recommendations regarding the final disposition of an application.
(6) The STEM Action Center shall report annually on the grant program to the State Board of Education and any findings and recommendations on the grant program shall be included in the STEM Action Center annual report to the Education Interim Committee.