As used in this chapter:

(1) “Bodily injury” has the same meaning as defined in Section 76-1-101.5.

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Terms Used In Utah Code 9-23-101

  • Boxing: means the sport of attack and defense using the fist, which is covered by an approved boxing glove. See Utah Code 9-23-101
  • Commission: means the Pete Suazo Utah Athletic Commission created by this chapter. See Utah Code 9-23-101
  • Contest: means a live match, performance, or exhibition involving two or more persons engaged in unarmed combat. See Utah Code 9-23-101
  • Contestant: means an individual who participates in a contest. See Utah Code 9-23-101
  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
  • Designated commission member: means a member of the commission designated to:
         (7)(a) attend and supervise a particular contest; and
         (7)(b) act on the behalf of the commission at a contest venue. See Utah Code 9-23-101
  • Director: means the director appointed by the commission. See Utah Code 9-23-101
  • Equal: means , with respect to biological sex, of the same value. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Exhibition: means an engagement in which the participants show or display their skills without necessarily striving to win. See Utah Code 9-23-101
  • Female: means the characteristic of an individual whose biological reproductive system is of the general type that functions in a way that could produce ova. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Judge: means an individual qualified by training or experience to:
         (11)(a) rate the performance of contestants;
         (11)(b) score a contest; and
         (11)(c) determine with other judges whether there is a winner of the contest or whether the contestants performed equally, resulting in a draw. See Utah Code 9-23-101
  • Manager: means an individual who represents a contestant for the purpose of:
         (13)(a) obtaining a contest for a contestant;
         (13)(b) negotiating terms and conditions of the contract under which the contestant will engage in a contest; or
         (13)(c) arranging for a second for the contestant at a contest. See Utah Code 9-23-101
  • Person: means :
         (24)(a) an individual;
         (24)(b) an association;
         (24)(c) an institution;
         (24)(d) a corporation;
         (24)(e) a company;
         (24)(f) a trust;
         (24)(g) a limited liability company;
         (24)(h) a partnership;
         (24)(i) a political subdivision;
         (24)(j) a government office, department, division, bureau, or other body of government; and
         (24)(k) any other organization or entity. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Promoter: means a person who engages in producing or staging contests and promotions. See Utah Code 9-23-101
  • Referee: means an individual qualified by training or experience to act as the official attending a contest at the point of contact between contestants for the purpose of:
         (17)(a) enforcing the rules relating to the contest;
         (17)(b) stopping the contest in the event the health, safety, and welfare of a contestant or any other person in attendance at the contest is in jeopardy; and
         (17)(c) acting as a judge if so designated by the commission. See Utah Code 9-23-101
  • Round: means one of a number of individual time periods that, taken together, constitute a contest during which contestants are engaged in a form of unarmed combat. See Utah Code 9-23-101
  • Second: means an individual who attends a contestant at the site of the contest before, during, and after the contest in accordance with contest rules. See Utah Code 9-23-101
  • State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes a state, district, or territory of the United States. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
  • Ultimate fighting: means a live contest, whether or not an admission fee is charged, in which:
         (22)(a) contest rules permit contestants to use a combination of boxing, kicking, wrestling, hitting, punching, or other combative contact techniques;
         (22)(b) contest rules incorporate a formalized system of combative techniques against which a contestant's performance is judged to determine the prevailing contestant;
         (22)(c) contest rules divide nonchampionship contests into three equal and specified rounds of no more than five minutes per round with a rest period of one minute between each round;
         (22)(d) contest rules divide championship contests into five equal and specified rounds of no more than five minutes per round with a rest period of one minute between each round; and
         (22)(e) contest rules prohibit contestants from:
              (22)(e)(i) using anything that is not part of the human body, except for boxing gloves, to intentionally inflict serious bodily injury upon an opponent through direct contact or the expulsion of a projectile;
              (22)(e)(ii) striking a person who demonstrates an inability to protect himself from the advances of an opponent;
              (22)(e)(iii) biting; or
              (22)(e)(iv) direct, intentional, and forceful strikes to the eyes, groin area, Adam's apple area of the neck, and the rear area of the head and neck. See Utah Code 9-23-101
  • Unarmed combat: means boxing or any other form of competition in which a blow is usually struck which may reasonably be expected to inflict bodily injury. See Utah Code 9-23-101
  • Venue: The geographical location in which a case is tried.
(2) “Boxing” means the sport of attack and defense using the fist, which is covered by an approved boxing glove.

     (3)(a) “Club fighting” means any contest of unarmed combat, whether admission is charged or not, where:

          (3)(a)(i) the rules of the contest are not approved by the commission;
          (3)(a)(ii) a licensed physician, osteopath, or physician assistant approved by the commission is not in attendance;
          (3)(a)(iii) a correct HIV negative test regarding each contestant has not been provided to the commission;
          (3)(a)(iv) the contest is not conducted in accordance with commission rules; or
          (3)(a)(v) the contestants are not matched by the weight standards established in accordance with Section 9-23-316.
     (3)(b) “Club fighting” does not include sparring if:

          (3)(b)(i) it is conducted for training purposes;
          (3)(b)(ii) no tickets are sold to spectators;
          (3)(b)(iii) no concessions are available for spectators;
          (3)(b)(iv) protective clothing, including protective headgear, a mouthguard, and a protective cup, is worn; and
          (3)(b)(v) for boxing, 16 ounce boxing gloves are worn.
(4) “Commission” means the Pete Suazo Utah Athletic Commission created by this chapter.
(5) “Contest” means a live match, performance, or exhibition involving two or more persons engaged in unarmed combat.
(6) “Contestant” means an individual who participates in a contest.
(7) “Designated commission member” means a member of the commission designated to:

     (7)(a) attend and supervise a particular contest; and
     (7)(b) act on the behalf of the commission at a contest venue.
(8) “Director” means the director appointed by the commission.
(9) “Elimination unarmed combat contest” means a contest where:

     (9)(a) a number of contestants participate in a tournament;
     (9)(b) the duration is not more than 48 hours; and
     (9)(c) the loser of each contest is eliminated from further competition.
(10) “Exhibition” means an engagement in which the participants show or display their skills without necessarily striving to win.
(11) “Judge” means an individual qualified by training or experience to:

     (11)(a) rate the performance of contestants;
     (11)(b) score a contest; and
     (11)(c) determine with other judges whether there is a winner of the contest or whether the contestants performed equally, resulting in a draw.
(12) “Licensee” means an individual licensed by the commission to act as a:

     (12)(a) contestant;
     (12)(b) judge;
     (12)(c) manager;
     (12)(d) promoter;
     (12)(e) referee;
     (12)(f) second; or
     (12)(g) other official established by the commission by rule.
(13) “Manager” means an individual who represents a contestant for the purpose of:

     (13)(a) obtaining a contest for a contestant;
     (13)(b) negotiating terms and conditions of the contract under which the contestant will engage in a contest; or
     (13)(c) arranging for a second for the contestant at a contest.
(14) “Promoter” means a person who engages in producing or staging contests and promotions.
(15) “Promotion” means a single contest or a combination of contests that:

     (15)(a) occur during the same time and at the same location; and
     (15)(b) is produced or staged by a promoter.
(16) “Purse” means any money, prize, remuneration, or any other valuable consideration a contestant receives or may receive for participation in a contest.
(17) “Referee” means an individual qualified by training or experience to act as the official attending a contest at the point of contact between contestants for the purpose of:

     (17)(a) enforcing the rules relating to the contest;
     (17)(b) stopping the contest in the event the health, safety, and welfare of a contestant or any other person in attendance at the contest is in jeopardy; and
     (17)(c) acting as a judge if so designated by the commission.
(18) “Round” means one of a number of individual time periods that, taken together, constitute a contest during which contestants are engaged in a form of unarmed combat.
(19) “Second” means an individual who attends a contestant at the site of the contest before, during, and after the contest in accordance with contest rules.
(20) “Serious bodily injury” has the same meaning as defined in Section 76-1-101.5.
(21) “Total gross receipts” means the amount of the face value of all tickets sold to a particular contest plus any sums received as consideration for holding the contest at a particular location.
(22) “Ultimate fighting” means a live contest, whether or not an admission fee is charged, in which:

     (22)(a) contest rules permit contestants to use a combination of boxing, kicking, wrestling, hitting, punching, or other combative contact techniques;
     (22)(b) contest rules incorporate a formalized system of combative techniques against which a contestant’s performance is judged to determine the prevailing contestant;
     (22)(c) contest rules divide nonchampionship contests into three equal and specified rounds of no more than five minutes per round with a rest period of one minute between each round;
     (22)(d) contest rules divide championship contests into five equal and specified rounds of no more than five minutes per round with a rest period of one minute between each round; and
     (22)(e) contest rules prohibit contestants from:

          (22)(e)(i) using anything that is not part of the human body, except for boxing gloves, to intentionally inflict serious bodily injury upon an opponent through direct contact or the expulsion of a projectile;
          (22)(e)(ii) striking a person who demonstrates an inability to protect himself from the advances of an opponent;
          (22)(e)(iii) biting; or
          (22)(e)(iv) direct, intentional, and forceful strikes to the eyes, groin area, Adam’s apple area of the neck, and the rear area of the head and neck.

     (23)(a) “Unarmed combat” means boxing or any other form of competition in which a blow is usually struck which may reasonably be expected to inflict bodily injury.
     (23)(b) “Unarmed combat” does not include a competition or exhibition between participants in which the participants engage in simulated combat for entertainment purposes.
(24) “Unlawful conduct” means organizing, promoting, or participating in a contest which involves contestants that are not licensed under this chapter.
(25) “Unprofessional conduct” means:

     (25)(a) entering into a contract for a contest in bad faith;
     (25)(b) participating in any sham or fake contest;
     (25)(c) participating in a contest pursuant to a collusive understanding or agreement in which the contestant competes in or terminates the contest in a manner that is not based upon honest competition or the honest exhibition of the skill of the contestant;
     (25)(d) engaging in an act or conduct that is detrimental to a contest, including any foul or unsportsmanlike conduct in connection with a contest;
     (25)(e) failing to comply with any limitation, restriction, or condition placed on a license;
     (25)(f) striking of a downed opponent by a contestant while the contestant remains on the contestant’s feet, unless the designated commission member or director has exempted the contest and each contestant from the prohibition on striking a downed opponent before the start of the contest;
     (25)(g) after entering the ring or contest area, penetrating an area within four feet of an opponent by a contestant, manager, or second before the commencement of the contest; or
     (25)(h) as further defined by rules made by the commission under Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
(26) “White-collar contest” means a contest conducted at a training facility where no alcohol is served in which:

     (26)(a) for boxing:

          (26)(a)(i) neither contestant is or has been a licensed contestant in any state or an amateur registered with USA Boxing, Inc.;
          (26)(a)(ii) no cash prize, or other prize valued at greater than $35, is awarded;
          (26)(a)(iii) protective clothing, including protective headgear, a mouthguard, a protective cup, and for a female contestant a chestguard, is worn;
          (26)(a)(iv) 16 ounce boxing gloves are worn;
          (26)(a)(v) the contest is no longer than three rounds of no longer than three minutes each;
          (26)(a)(vi) no winner or loser is declared or recorded; and
          (26)(a)(vii) the contestants do not compete in a cage; and
     (26)(b) for ultimate fighting:

          (26)(b)(i) neither contestant is or has been a licensed contestant in any state or an amateur registered with USA Boxing, Inc.;
          (26)(b)(ii) no cash prize, or other prize valued at greater than $35, is awarded;
          (26)(b)(iii) protective clothing, including a protective mouthguard and a protective cup, is worn;
          (26)(b)(iv) downward elbow strikes are not allowed;
          (26)(b)(v) a contestant is not allowed to stand and strike a downed opponent;
          (26)(b)(vi) a closed-hand blow to the head is not allowed while either contestant is on the ground;
          (26)(b)(vii) the contest is no longer than three rounds of no longer than three minutes each; and
          (26)(b)(viii) no winner or loser is declared or recorded.