Utah Code > Title 19 > Chapter 6 – Hazardous Substances
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Terms Used In Utah Code > Title 19 > Chapter 6 - Hazardous Substances
- abandoned horse: as used in this chapter means any horse, ass, mule or other animal of the genus Equus, unbranded, or, if branded, that has escaped assessment for taxation for the year next preceding the killing of such animal as hereinafter provided for, and running at large upon the open range of this state, and includes a foal running with a dam coming within the above definition. See Utah Code 47-2-1
- Abandoned waste tire pile: means a waste tire pile regarding which the local department of health has not been able to:(1)(a) locate the persons responsible for the tire pile; or(1)(b) cause the persons responsible for the tire pile to remove the tire pile. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Abatement action: includes control of the source of the contamination. See Utah Code 19-6-302
- Abatement action: means action taken to limit, reduce, mitigate, or eliminate:(1)(a) a release from a petroleum storage tank; or(1)(b) the damage caused by that release. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Aboveground petroleum storage tank: means a storage tank that is, by volume, less than 10% buried in the ground, including the pipes connected to the storage tank and:(2)(a)(2)(a)(i) has attached underground piping; or(2)(a)(ii) rests directly on the ground;(2)(b) contains regulated substances;(2)(c) has the capacity to hold 501 gallons or more; and(2)(d) is not:(2)(d)(i) used in agricultural operations, as defined by the board by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act;(2)(d)(ii) used for heating oil for consumptive use on the premises where stored;(2)(d)(iii) related to a petroleum facility under SIC Code 2911 or 5171 of the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification Manual of the federal Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget;(2)(d)(iv) directly related to oil or gas production and gathering operations; or(2)(d)(v) used in the fueling of aircraft or ground service equipment at a commercial airport that serves passengers or cargo, with commercial airport defined in Section 72-10-102. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Accounting reports: means an audit, a review, a compilation, or a fiscal report. See Utah Code 51-2a-102
- Active member: means a member who:(1)(a)(i) is employed by a participating employer and accruing service credit; or(1)(a)(ii) within the previous 120 days:(1)(a)(ii)(A) has been employed by a participating employer; and(1)(a)(ii)(B) accrued service credit. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Actuarial equivalent: means a benefit of equal value when computed upon the basis of mortality tables as recommended by the actuary and adopted by the executive director, including regular interest. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Actuarial interest rate: means the interest rate as recommended by the actuary and adopted by the board upon which the funding of system costs and benefits are computed. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Adjudicative proceeding: means :(2)(a) an action by a board, commission, department, officer, or other administrative unit of the state that determines the legal rights, duties, privileges, immunities, or other legal interests of one or more identifiable persons, including an action to grant, deny, revoke, suspend, modify, annul, withdraw, or amend an authority, right, or license; and(2)(b) judicial review of an action described in Subsection (2)(a). See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Administrator: means a person that is appointed in a manner specified in the by-laws to make decisions for specific, predefined operations of the decentralized autonomous organization. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Administrator: includes "executor" when the subject matter justifies the use. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Advanced recycling: means a manufacturing process that converts post-use polymers or recovered feedstock into basic raw materials, chemicals, or advanced recycling products using technology including:(1)(a)(i) pyrolysis;(1)(a)(ii) gasification;(1)(a)(iii) depolymerization;(1)(a)(iv) catalytic cracking;(1)(a)(v) reforming;(1)(a)(vi) hydrogenation;(1)(a)(vii) solvolysis; or(1)(a)(viii) chemolysis. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Advanced recycling facility: means a manufacturing facility:(2)(a) that is registered with the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control, created in Subsection 19-1-105(1)(d);(2)(b) that receives, stores, and converts post-use polymers or recovered feedstock using advanced recycling;(2)(c) that is subject to applicable Department of Environmental Quality manufacturing regulations for air, water, waste, and land use; and(2)(d) for which the feedstock received by the manufacturing facility is source-separated, diverted, or recovered from municipal or other waste streams prior to acceptance at the facility. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Advanced recycling product: means a recycled product produced at an advanced recycling facility, including:(3)(a) a monomer;(3)(b) an oligomer;(3)(c) a plastic;(3)(d) a chemical feedstock;(3)(e) a basic and unfinished chemical;(3)(f) a wax;(3)(g) a lubricant;(3)(h) a coating; or(3)(i) an adhesive. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Advice and consent: Under the Constitution, presidential nominations for executive and judicial posts take effect only when confirmed by the Senate, and international treaties become effective only when the Senate approves them by a two-thirds vote.
- Affidavit: A written statement of facts confirmed by the oath of the party making it, before a notary or officer having authority to administer oaths.
- Affiliated emergency services worker: means a person who:(1)(a)(i) is employed by a participating employer;(1)(a)(ii) performs emergency services for another participating employer that is a different agency;(1)(a)(iii) is trained in techniques and skills required for the emergency service;(1)(a)(iv) continues to receive regular training required for the service;(1)(a)(v) is on the rolls as a trained affiliated emergency services worker of the participating employer; and(1)(a)(vi) provides ongoing service for a participating employer, which service may include service as a volunteer firefighter, reserve law enforcement officer, search and rescue worker, emergency medical technician, ambulance worker, park ranger, or public utilities worker. See Utah Code 49-11-1202
- Agency: means :(4)(a)(i) a department, division, agency, office, authority, commission, board, institution, or hospital of the state;(4)(a)(ii) a county, municipality, school district, special district, or special service district;(4)(a)(iii) a state college or university; or(4)(a)(iv) any other participating employer. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- AHJ: means "authority having jurisdiction" which is:(2)(a) the State Fire Marshal;(2)(b) an authorized deputy of the State Fire Marshal; or(2)(c) the local fire enforcement authority. See Utah Code 15A-5-102
- Air gun: means a . See Utah Code 47-3-102
- Alternate payee: means a member's former spouse or family member eligible to receive payments under a Domestic Relations Order in compliance with Section 49-11-612. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Amendment: A proposal to alter the text of a pending bill or other measure by striking out some of it, by inserting new language, or both. Before an amendment becomes part of the measure, thelegislature must agree to it.
- Amortization: Paying off a loan by regular installments.
- Amortization rate: means the board certified percent of salary required to amortize the unfunded actuarial accrued liability in accordance with policies established by the board upon the advice of the actuary. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Amortization rate: means the amortization rate, as defined in Section 49-11-102, to be applied to the system that would have covered the retiree if the retiree's reemployed position were deemed to be an eligible, full-time position within that system. See Utah Code 49-11-1202
- Annuity: A periodic (usually annual) payment of a fixed sum of money for either the life of the recipient or for a fixed number of years. A series of payments under a contract from an insurance company, a trust company, or an individual. Annuity payments are made at regular intervals over a period of more than one full year.
- Annuity: means monthly payments derived from member contributions. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Appeal: A request made after a trial, asking another court (usually the court of appeals) to decide whether the trial was conducted properly. To make such a request is "to appeal" or "to take an appeal." One who appeals is called the appellant.
- Appointive officer: means an employee appointed to a position for a definite and fixed term of office by official and duly recorded action of a participating employer whose appointed position is designated in the participating employer's charter, creation document, or similar document, and:(9)(a) who earns $500 or more per month, indexed as of January 1, 1990, as provided in Section 49-12-407 for a Tier I appointive officer; and(9)(b) whose appointive position is full-time as certified by the participating employer for a Tier II appointive officer. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Appraisal: A determination of property value.
- Appropriation: The provision of funds, through an annual appropriations act or a permanent law, for federal agencies to make payments out of the Treasury for specified purposes. The formal federal spending process consists of two sequential steps: authorization
- Appropriation: means a legislative authorization to make expenditures and to incur obligations for specific purposes. See Utah Code 51-5-3
- Asset: means an item of value, whether on-chain or off-chain. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Assets: (1) The property comprising the estate of a deceased person, or (2) the property in a trust account.
- At-will employee: means a person who is employed by a participating employer and:(10)(a)(i) who is not entitled to merit or civil service protection and is generally considered exempt from a participating employer's merit or career service personnel systems;(10)(a)(ii) whose on-going employment status is entirely at the discretion of the person's employer; or(10)(a)(iii) who may be terminated without cause by a designated supervisor, manager, or director. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Attachment: A procedure by which a person's property is seized to pay judgments levied by the court.
- Audit: means an examination that:(2)(a) is performed in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards, or for a nonprofit corporation or a governmental nonprofit corporation, in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards; and(2)(b) conforms to the uniform classification of accounts established or approved by the state auditor or any other classification of accounts established by any federal government agency. See Utah Code 51-2a-102
- Bankruptcy: Refers to statutes and judicial proceedings involving persons or businesses that cannot pay their debts and seek the assistance of the court in getting a fresh start. Under the protection of the bankruptcy court, debtors may discharge their debts, perhaps by paying a portion of each debt. Bankruptcy judges preside over these proceedings.
- Baseline: Projection of the receipts, outlays, and other budget amounts that would ensue in the future without any change in existing policy. Baseline projections are used to gauge the extent to which proposed legislation, if enacted into law, would alter current spending and revenue levels.
- Beneficial use: includes the use of chipped tires:(2)(b)(i) as daily landfill cover;(2)(b)(ii) for civil engineering purposes;(2)(b)(iii) as low-density, light-weight aggregate fill; or(2)(b)(iv) for septic or drain field construction. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Beneficiary: A person who is entitled to receive the benefits or proceeds of a will, trust, insurance policy, retirement plan, annuity, or other contract. Source: OCC
- Beneficiary: means any person entitled to receive a payment under this title through a relationship with or designated by a member, participant, covered individual, or alternate payee of a defined contribution plan. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Benefit company: means a limited liability company:(1)(a) that elects to become subject to this chapter; and(1)(b) the status of which as a benefit company has not been terminated. See Utah Code 48-4-103
- Benefit enforcement proceeding: means a proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction for:(2)(a) failure of a benefit company to pursue or create general public benefit or a specific public benefit described in the benefit company's certificate of organization; or(2)(b) a violation of an obligation, duty, or standard of conduct under this chapter. See Utah Code 48-4-103
- Benefits normally provided: means a benefit offered by an employer, including:(1)(a)(i) a leave benefit of any kind;(1)(a)(ii) insurance coverage of any kind if the employer pays some or all of the premium for the coverage;(1)(a)(iii) employer contributions to a health savings account, health reimbursement account, health reimbursement arrangement, or medical expense reimbursement plan; and(1)(a)(iv) a retirement benefit of any kind if the employer pays some or all of the cost of the benefit. See Utah Code 49-12-102
- Benefits normally provided: means the same as that term is defined in Section 49-12-102. See Utah Code 49-13-102
- Benefits normally provided: means the same as that term is defined in Section 49-12-102. See Utah Code 49-22-102
- Bequest: Property gifted by will.
- Board: means the Utah Fire Prevention Board created in Section 53-7-203. See Utah Code 15A-1-102
- Board: means the Utah State Retirement Board established under Section 49-11-202. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Board: means the Waste Management and Radiation Control Board created in Section 19-1-106. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Board: means the Waste Management and Radiation Control Board created in Section 19-1-106. See Utah Code 19-6-202
- Board: means the Waste Management and Radiation Control Board created in Section 19-1-106. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Board: means the Waste Management and Radiation Control Board appointed under Title 19, Chapter 6, Hazardous Substances. See Utah Code 19-6-601
- Board: means the Waste Management and Radiation Control Board created under Section 19-1-106. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Board: means the Waste Management and Radiation Control Board, as defined in Section 19-1-106, within the Department of Environmental Quality. See Utah Code 19-6-902
- Board: means the Waste Management and Radiation Control Board created under Section 19-1-106. See Utah Code 19-6-1102
- Board member: means a person serving on the Utah State Retirement Board as established under Section 49-11-202. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Bodily injury: means bodily harm, sickness, disease, or death sustained by a person. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Bona fide prospective purchaser: has the meaning given in Utah Code 19-6-302
- Bona fide termination of employment: means :(3)(a) permanent separation from employment or a fee-for-service relationship with any participating employer; and(3)(b) separation from employment without a prearrangement that anticipates postretirement reemployment or a postretirement fee-for-service relationship with a participating employer. See Utah Code 49-11-1202 v2
- Business: includes every trade, occupation, and profession. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- By-laws: means the procedural rules and regulations that govern a decentralized autonomous organization and the interaction of the decentralized autonomous organization's members and participants. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- CERCLA: means Utah Code 19-6-302
- Certificate of compliance: means a certificate issued to a facility by the director:(5)(a) demonstrating that an owner or operator of a facility containing one or more petroleum storage tanks has met the requirements of this part; and(5)(b) listing petroleum storage tanks at the facility, specifying:(5)(b)(i) which tanks may receive petroleum; and(5)(b)(ii) which tanks have not met the requirements for compliance. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Certificate of limited partnership: means the certificate required by Section 48-2e-201. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Certificate of organization: means the certificate required by Section 48-3a-201. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Certificate of registration: means a certificate issued to a facility by the director demonstrating that an owner or operator of a facility containing one or more petroleum storage tanks has:(6)(a) registered the tanks; and(6)(b) paid the annual tank fee. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Certified contribution rate: means the board certified percent of salary paid on behalf of an active member to the office to maintain the system on a financially and actuarially sound basis. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Certified decontamination specialist: means an individual who has met the standards for certification as a decontamination specialist and has been certified by the board under Subsection 19-6-906(2). See Utah Code 19-6-902
- Certified official: means a Range Safety Officer, Firearms Instructor, or Shooting Coach certified by the National Rifle Association or equivalent national shooting organization. See Utah Code 47-3-102
- Certified petroleum storage tank consultant: means a person who:(7)(a)(i) for a fee, or in connection with services for which a fee is charged, provides or contracts to provide information, opinions, or advice relating to underground storage tank release:(7)(a)(i)(A) management;(7)(a)(i)(B) abatement;(7)(a)(i)(C) investigation;(7)(a)(i)(D) corrective action; or(7)(a)(i)(E) evaluation;(7)(a)(ii) has submitted an application to the director;(7)(a)(iii) received a written statement of certification from the director; and(7)(a)(iv) meets the education and experience standards established by the board under Subsection 19-6-403(1)(a)(vii). See Utah Code 19-6-402
- chipped tire: means a two inch square or smaller piece of a waste tire. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- City: includes , depending on population, a metro township as defined in Section
10-3c-102 . See Utah Code 68-3-12.5 - Cleanup action: means action taken according to the procedures established in this part to prevent, eliminate, minimize, mitigate, or clean up the release of a hazardous material from a facility. See Utah Code 19-6-302
- Closed: means a petroleum storage tank that is no longer in use that has been:(8)(a) emptied and cleaned to remove the liquids and accumulated sludges; and(8)(b)(8)(b)(i) removed along with all underground components; or(8)(b)(ii) filled with an inert solid material, and in the case of piping, secured and capped. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Closure plan: means a plan under Section 19-6-108 to close a facility or site at which the owner or operator has disposed of nonhazardous solid waste or has treated, stored, or disposed of hazardous waste including, if applicable, a plan to provide postclosure care at the facility or site. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Commission: means the Utah State Tax Commission. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Common law: The legal system that originated in England and is now in use in the United States. It is based on judicial decisions rather than legislative action.
- Compensation: means the total amount of payments made by a participating employer to a member of this system for services rendered to the participating employer, including:(2)(a)(i) bonuses;(2)(a)(ii) cost-of-living adjustments;(2)(a)(iii) other payments currently includable in gross income and that are subject to social security deductions, including any payments in excess of the maximum amount subject to deduction under social security law;(2)(a)(iv) amounts that the member authorizes to be deducted or reduced for salary deferral or other benefits authorized by federal law; and(2)(a)(v) member contributions. See Utah Code 49-12-102
- Compensation: means the total amount of payments made by a participating employer to a member of this system for services rendered to the participating employer, including:(2)(a)(i) bonuses;(2)(a)(ii) cost-of-living adjustments;(2)(a)(iii) other payments currently includable in gross income and that are subject to social security deductions, including any payments in excess of the maximum amount subject to deduction under social security law; and(2)(a)(iv) amounts that the member authorizes to be deducted or reduced for salary deferral or other benefits authorized by federal law. See Utah Code 49-13-102
- Compensation: includes performance-based bonuses and cost-of-living adjustments. See Utah Code 49-14-102
- Compensation: includes performance-based bonuses and cost-of-living adjustments. See Utah Code 49-15-102
- Compensation: includes performance-based bonuses and cost-of-living adjustments. See Utah Code 49-16-102
- Compensation: includes :(1)(b)(i) performance-based bonuses;(1)(b)(ii) cost-of-living adjustments;(1)(b)(iii) payments subject to Social Security deductions;(1)(b)(iv) any payments in excess of the maximum amount subject to deduction under Social Security law;(1)(b)(v) amounts which the member authorizes to be deducted or reduced for salary deferral or other benefits authorized by federal law; and(1)(b)(vi) member contributions. See Utah Code 49-17-102
- Compensation: includes :(1)(b)(i) performance-based bonuses;(1)(b)(ii) cost-of-living adjustments;(1)(b)(iii) payments subject to Social Security deductions;(1)(b)(iv) any payments in excess of the maximum amount subject to deduction under Social Security law; and(1)(b)(v) amounts which the member authorizes to be deducted or reduced for salary deferral or other benefits authorized by federal law. See Utah Code 49-18-102
- Compensation: means the total amount of payments made by a participating employer to a member of this system for services rendered to the participating employer, including:(2)(a)(i) bonuses;(2)(a)(ii) cost-of-living adjustments;(2)(a)(iii) other payments currently includable in gross income and that are subject to social security deductions, including any payments in excess of the maximum amount subject to deduction under social security law;(2)(a)(iv) amounts that the member authorizes to be deducted or reduced for salary deferral or other benefits authorized by federal law; and(2)(a)(v) member contributions. See Utah Code 49-22-102
- Compensation: includes performance-based bonuses and cost-of-living adjustments. See Utah Code 49-23-102
- Compilation: means information presented in the form of financial statements presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles that are the representation of management without the accountant undertaking to express any assurances on the statements. See Utah Code 51-2a-102
- Complaint: A written statement by the plaintiff stating the wrongs allegedly committed by the defendant.
- Computer: includes the following permanently affixed to or incorporated into a device described in Subsection (2)(a):(2)(b)(i) a cable cord;(2)(b)(ii) permanent wiring;(2)(b)(iii) a central processing unit; or(2)(b)(iv) a monitor. See Utah Code 19-6-1202
- Consumer: includes a person who purchases a new tire for a motor vehicle to be rented or leased. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Consumer: means a person who owns or uses a covered electronic device that is purchased primarily for personal or home business use. See Utah Code 19-6-1202
- Consumer electronic device: means the following products sold to a consumer:(4)(a) a computer;(4)(b) a computer peripheral;(4)(c) a television; or(4)(d) a television peripheral. See Utah Code 19-6-1202
- contamination: means :(3)(a) polluted by hazardous materials that cause property to be unfit for human habitation or use due to immediate or long-term health hazards; or(3)(b) that a property is polluted by hazardous materials as a result of the use, production, or presence of methamphetamine in excess of decontamination standards adopted by the Department of Health and Human Services under Section 26B-7-409. See Utah Code 19-6-902
- Contamination list: means a list maintained by the local health department of properties:(4)(a) reported to the local health department under Section 19-6-903; and(4)(b) determined by the local health department to be contaminated. See Utah Code 19-6-902
- Contiguous property owner: means a person who qualifies for the exemption from liability in Utah Code 19-6-302
- Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
- Contributions: means the total amount paid by the participating employer and the member into a system or to the Utah Governors' and Legislators' Retirement Plan under Chapter 19, Utah Governors' and Legislators' Retirement Act. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Conviction: A judgement of guilt against a criminal defendant.
- Corporation: A legal entity owned by the holders of shares of stock that have been issued, and that can own, receive, and transfer property, and carry on business in its own name.
- Corrective action plan: means a plan for correcting a release from a petroleum storage tank that includes provisions for any of the following:(9)(a) cleanup or removal of the release;(9)(b) containment or isolation of the release;(9)(c) treatment of the release;(9)(d) correction of the cause of the release;(9)(e) monitoring and maintenance of the site of the release;(9)(f) provision of alternative water supplies to a person whose drinking water has become contaminated by the release; or(9)(g) temporary or permanent relocation, whichever is determined by the director to be more cost-effective, of a person whose dwelling has been determined by the director to be no longer habitable due to the release. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Costs: means money expended for:(10)(a) investigation;(10)(b) abatement action;(10)(c) corrective action;(10)(d) judgments, awards, and settlements for bodily injury or property damage to third parties;(10)(e) legal and claims adjusting costs incurred by the state in connection with judgments, awards, or settlements for bodily injury or property damage to third parties; or(10)(f) costs incurred by the state risk manager in determining the actuarial soundness of the fund. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Council member: means a person serving on the Membership Council established under Section 49-11-205. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- County executive: means :(7)(a) the county commission, in the county commission or expanded county commission form of government established under Title 17, Chapter 52a, Changing Forms of County Government;(7)(b) the county executive, in the county executive-council optional form of government authorized by Section
17-52a-203 ; or(7)(c) the county manager, in the council-manager optional form of government authorized by Section17-52a-204 . See Utah Code 68-3-12.5 - County legislative body: means :(8)(a) the county commission, in the county commission or expanded county commission form of government established under Title 17, Chapter 52a, Changing Forms of County Government;(8)(b) the county council, in the county executive-council optional form of government authorized by Section
17-52a-203 ; and(8)(c) the county council, in the council-manager optional form of government authorized by Section17-52a-204 . See Utah Code 68-3-12.5 - Covered by the fund: means the requirements of Section 19-6-424 have been met. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Covered employer: means an employer that offers employee benefit plans under this chapter to its employees and their dependents. See Utah Code 49-20-102
- Covered individual: means any individual covered under Chapter 20, Public Employees' Benefit and Insurance Program Act. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Covered individual: means an employee and the employee's dependents eligible for coverage under this chapter. See Utah Code 49-20-102
- Crumb rubber: means waste tires that have been ground, shredded, or otherwise reduced in size such that the particles are less than or equal to 3/4 inch in diameter and are 98% wire free by weight. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Cryptographic proof: means a mathematical proof that verifies that a message has not been tampered with or altered in any way and can be verified by a person that has access to the original message and the proof. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Current service: means covered service under:
- Damages: Money paid by defendants to successful plaintiffs in civil cases to compensate the plaintiffs for their injuries.
- Date of disability: means the date on which a period of total disability begins, and may not begin on or before the last day of performing full-duty work in the eligible employee's regular occupation. See Utah Code 49-21-102
- Decedent: A deceased person.
- Decentralized: means that decision-making is distributed among multiple persons. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Decentralized autonomous organization: means an organization:(6)(a) created by one or more smart contracts;(6)(b) that implements rules enabling individuals to coordinate for decentralized governance of an organization; and(6)(c) that is an entity formed under this chapter. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Decontaminated: means property that at one time was contaminated, but the contaminants have been removed. See Utah Code 19-6-902
- Defendant: In a civil suit, the person complained against; in a criminal case, the person accused of the crime.
- defined benefit system: means a system or plan offered under this title to provide a specified allowance to a retiree or a retiree's spouse after retirement that is based on a set formula involving one or more of the following factors:(20)(a) years of service;(20)(b) final average monthly salary; or(20)(c) a retirement multiplier. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- defined contribution plan: means any defined contribution plan or deferred compensation plan authorized under the Internal Revenue Code and administered by the board. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Department: means the Department of Environmental Quality. See Utah Code 19-1-103
- Dependent: A person dependent for support upon another.
- Depolymerization: means a manufacturing process that breaks post-use polymers into smaller molecules to produce raw materials or products. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Developer: includes a person that provides:(7)(b)(i) software code; or(7)(b)(ii) design, business, legal, or ancillary support. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Devise: To gift property by will.
- Director: means the director of the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Director: means the director of the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Director: means the director of the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control. See Utah Code 19-6-601
- Director: means the director of the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Director: means the director of the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control. See Utah Code 19-6-1102
- Disability: means the complete inability, due to objective medical impairment, whether physical or mental, to perform firefighter service. See Utah Code 49-16-102
- Discovery: Lawyers' examination, before trial, of facts and documents in possession of the opponents to help the lawyers prepare for trial.
- Dismissal: The dropping of a case by the judge without further consideration or hearing. Source:
- Dispatcher: means the same as that term is defined in Section 53-6-102. See Utah Code 49-14-102
- Dispatcher: means the same as that term is defined in Section 53-6-102. See Utah Code 49-15-102
- Dispatcher: means the same as that term is defined in Section 53-6-102. See Utah Code 49-23-102
- Disposal: means the discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking, or placing of any solid or hazardous waste into or on land or water so that the waste or any constituent of the waste may enter the environment, be emitted into the air, or discharged into any waters, including groundwaters. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Disposal: means the final disposition of hazardous wastes into or onto the lands, waters, and air of this state. See Utah Code 19-6-202
- Disposal: means the deposit, dumping, or permanent placement of waste tire in or on land or in water in the state. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Dispose of: means to deposit, dump, or permanently place waste tire in or on land or in water in the state. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Dispute resolution mechanism: includes :(8)(b)(i) arbitration;(8)(b)(ii) expert determination; or(8)(b)(iii) an on-chain alternative court system. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Distribution: means a transfer of money or other property from a partnership to a person on account of a transferable interest or in a person's capacity as a partner. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Distribution: means a transfer of money or other property from a limited partnership to a person on account of a transferable interest or in the person's capacity as a partner. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Distribution: means a transfer of money or other property from a limited liability company to a person on account of a transferable interest or in the person's capacity as a member. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Division: means the State Fire Marshal Division created in Section 53-7-103. See Utah Code 15A-5-102
- Division: means the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Division: means the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Division: means the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Division: means the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Division: means the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control, created in Subsection 19-1-105(1)(d). See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Division: means the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation, created in Subsection 19-1-105(1)(c). See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Division: means the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control created in Section 19-1-105. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Division: means the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control created in Section 19-1-105. See Utah Code 19-6-1102
- Docket: A log containing brief entries of court proceedings.
- Dwelling: means a building that is usually occupied by a person lodging there at night. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Educational institution: means a political subdivision or instrumentality of the state or a combination thereof primarily engaged in educational activities or the administration or servicing of educational activities, including:(22)(a) the State Board of Education and its instrumentalities;(22)(b) any institution of higher education and its branches;(22)(c) any school district and its instrumentalities;(22)(d) any vocational and technical school; and(22)(e) any entity arising out of a consolidation agreement between entities described under this Subsection (22). See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Eligible employee: means any of the following employees whose employer provides coverage under this chapter:(2)(a)(i)(2)(a)(i)(A) any regular full-time employee as defined under Section 49-12-102, 49-13-102, or 49-22-102;(2)(a)(i)(B) any public safety service employee as defined under Section 49-14-102, 49-15-102, or 49-23-102;(2)(a)(i)(C) any firefighter service employee or volunteer firefighter as defined under Section 49-23-102 who began firefighter service on or after July 1, 2011;(2)(a)(i)(E) the governor of the state;(2)(a)(ii) an employee who is exempt from participating in a retirement system under Subsection 49-12-203(4), 49-13-203(4), 49-14-203(1), or 49-15-203(1); and(2)(a)(iii) an employee who is covered by a retirement program offered by a public or private system, organization, or company designated by the Utah Board of Higher Education. See Utah Code 49-21-102
- Eligible program: means a collection, reuse, or recycling system for a consumer electronic device, including:(5)(a) a system by which a manufacturer, manufacturer's designee, or other private entity offers a consumer an option to return a consumer electronic device by mail;(5)(b) a system using a physical collection site that a manufacturer, manufacturer's designee, or other private or public entity provides for a consumer to return a covered consumer electronic device; or(5)(c) a system that uses a collection event held by a manufacturer, manufacturer's designee, or other private or public entity at which a consumer may return a consumer electronic device. See Utah Code 19-6-1202
- Elimination period: means the three months at the beginning of each continuous period of total disability for which no benefit will be paid. See Utah Code 49-21-102
- Emergency medical service personnel: means an individual who:(3)(a) is:(3)(a)(i) a paramedic;(3)(a)(ii) an advanced emergency medical services technician; or(3)(a)(iii) an emergency medical services technician;(3)(b) is required to be licensed or certified under Section 53-2d-402; and(3)(c) has a primary job duty to provide emergency medical services as a first responder. See Utah Code 49-16-102
- Emergency medical service personnel: means an individual who:(4)(a) is:(4)(a)(i) a paramedic;(4)(a)(ii) an advanced emergency medical services technician; or(4)(a)(iii) an emergency medical services technician;(4)(b) is required to be licensed or certified under Section 53-2d-402; and(4)(c) has a primary job duty to provide emergency medical services as a first responder. See Utah Code 49-23-102
- Employee Benefit Plans: means any group health, dental, medical, disability, life insurance, medicare supplement, conversion coverage, cafeteria, flex plans, or other program for covered individuals administered by the Public Employees' Benefit and Insurance Program. See Utah Code 49-20-102
- Employer: means any department, educational institution, or political subdivision of the state eligible to participate in a government-sponsored retirement system under federal law. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Employer: means the state, its political subdivisions, and educational institutions. See Utah Code 49-20-102
- Encumbrances: means obligations in the form of purchase orders, contracts, or salary commitments that are chargeable to an appropriation and for which a part of the appropriation is reserved. See Utah Code 51-5-3
- Enforcement action: means the procedures contained in Section 19-6-306 to enforce orders, rules, and agreements authorized by this part. See Utah Code 19-6-302
- Entitlement: A Federal program or provision of law that requires payments to any person or unit of government that meets the eligibility criteria established by law. Entitlements constitute a binding obligation on the part of the Federal Government, and eligible recipients have legal recourse if the obligation is not fulfilled. Social Security and veterans' compensation and pensions are examples of entitlement programs.
- Equal: means , with respect to biological sex, of the same value. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Equitable: Pertaining to civil suits in "equity" rather than in "law." In English legal history, the courts of "law" could order the payment of damages and could afford no other remedy. See damages. A separate court of "equity" could order someone to do something or to cease to do something. See, e.g., injunction. In American jurisprudence, the federal courts have both legal and equitable power, but the distinction is still an important one. For example, a trial by jury is normally available in "law" cases but not in "equity" cases. Source: U.S. Courts
- Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
- Executive director: means the executive director of the department appointed pursuant to Section 19-1-104. See Utah Code 19-1-103
- Exempt employee: means an employee working for a participating employer:(25)(a) who is not eligible for service credit under Section 49-12-203, 49-13-203, 49-14-203, 49-15-203, or 49-16-203; and(25)(b) for whom a participating employer is not required to pay contributions or nonelective contributions. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Expenditures: means decreases in net financial resources from other than interfund transfers, refundings of general long-term capital debt, and other items indicated by GASB. See Utah Code 51-5-3
- Facility: means :(7)(a)(i) any building, structure, installation, equipment, pipe, or pipeline, including any pipe into a sewer or publicly owned treatment works, well, pit, pond, lagoon, impoundment, ditch, landfill, storage container, motor vehicle, rolling stock, or aircraft; or(7)(a)(ii) any site or area where a hazardous material or substance has been deposited, stored, disposed of, or placed, or otherwise come to be located. See Utah Code 19-6-302
- Facility: means the petroleum storage tanks located on a single parcel of property or on any property adjacent or contiguous to that parcel. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Failure event: means an error in the decentralized autonomous organization's software code or an exploit that:(10)(a) renders the decentralized autonomous organization inoperative; or(10)(b) fundamentally changes the expected operation of the decentralized autonomous organization. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Fair market value: The price at which an asset would change hands in a transaction between a willing, informed buyer and a willing, informed seller.
- Fiduciary: A trustee, executor, or administrator.
- Final average monthly salary: means the amount computed by dividing the compensation received during the final average salary period under each system by the number of months in the final average salary period. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Final average salary: means the amount calculated by averaging the highest five years of annual compensation preceding retirement subject to Subsections (3)(b), (c), (d), (e), and (f). See Utah Code 49-12-102
- Final average salary: means the amount calculated by averaging the highest three years of annual compensation preceding retirement subject to Subsections (3)(b), (c), (d), and (e). See Utah Code 49-13-102
- Final average salary: means the amount calculated by averaging the highest three years of annual compensation preceding retirement subject to Subsections (3)(b), (c), and (d). See Utah Code 49-14-102
- Final average salary: means the amount calculated by averaging the highest three years of annual compensation preceding retirement subject to Subsections (3)(b), (c), and (d). See Utah Code 49-15-102
- Final average salary: means the amount calculated by averaging the highest three years of annual compensation preceding retirement subject to Subsections (4)(b), (c), and (d). See Utah Code 49-16-102
- Final average salary: means the amount calculated by averaging the highest two years of annual compensation preceding retirement, subject to Subsections (2)(a), (b), and (c). See Utah Code 49-17-102
- Final average salary: means the amount calculated by averaging the highest two years of annual compensation preceding retirement, subject to Subsections (2)(a), (b), and (c). See Utah Code 49-18-102
- Final average salary: means the amount calculated by averaging the highest five years of annual compensation preceding retirement subject to Subsections (4)(b), (c), (d), (e), and (f). See Utah Code 49-22-102
- Final average salary: means the amount calculated by averaging the highest five years of annual compensation preceding retirement subject to Subsections (5)(b), (c), (d), (e), and (f). See Utah Code 49-23-102
- Financial resources: includes cash, claims to cash such as taxes receivable, and claims to goods or services such as prepaids. See Utah Code 51-5-3
- Firefighter service: means employment normally requiring an average of 2,080 hours of regularly scheduled employment per year rendered by a member who is:(5)(a)(i) a firefighter service employee trained in firefighter techniques and assigned to a position of hazardous duty with a regularly constituted fire department;(5)(a)(ii) the state fire marshal appointed under Section 53-7-103 or a deputy state fire marshal; or(5)(a)(iii) an emergency medical service personnel. See Utah Code 49-16-102
- Firefighter service: means employment normally requiring an average of 2,080 hours of regularly scheduled employment per year rendered by a member who is:(6)(a)(i) a firefighter service employee trained in firefighter techniques and assigned to a position of hazardous duty with a regularly constituted fire department;(6)(a)(ii) the state fire marshal appointed under Section 53-7-103 or a deputy state fire marshal;(6)(a)(iii) a firefighter service employee who is:(6)(a)(iii)(A) hired on or after July 1, 2021;(6)(a)(iii)(B) trained in firefighter techniques;(6)(a)(iii)(C) assigned to a position of hazardous duty; and(6)(a)(iii)(D) employed by the state as a participating employer; or(6)(a)(iv) an emergency medical service personnel. See Utah Code 49-23-102
- Firefighter service employee: means an employee of a participating employer who provides firefighter service under this chapter. See Utah Code 49-16-102
- Firefighter service employee: means an employee of a participating employer who provides firefighter service under this chapter. See Utah Code 49-23-102
- Fiscal report: means providing information detailing revenues and expenditures of all funds in a format prescribed by the state auditor. See Utah Code 51-2a-102
- Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.
- Fixed Rate: Having a "fixed" rate means that the APR doesn't change based on fluctuations of some external rate (such as the "Prime Rate"). In other words, a fixed rate is a rate that is not a variable rate. A fixed APR can change over time, in several circumstances:
- You are late making a payment or commit some other default, triggering an increase to a penalty rate
- The bank changes the terms of your account and you do not reject the change.
- The rate expires (if the rate was fixed for only a certain period of time).
- Foreclosure: A legal process in which property that is collateral or security for a loan may be sold to help repay the loan when the loan is in default. Source: OCC
- Foreign limited liability company: means an unincorporated entity formed under the law of a jurisdiction other than this state, which would be a limited liability company, including a low-profit limited liability company, if formed under the law of this state. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Foreign limited liability limited partnership: means a foreign limited partnership whose general partners have limited liability for the debts, obligations, or other liabilities of the foreign limited partnership under a provision similar to Subsection 48-2e-404(3). See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Foreign limited liability partnership: means a foreign partnership whose partners have limited liability for the debts, obligations, or other liabilities of the foreign partnership under a provision similar to Subsection 48-1d-306(3). See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Foreign limited partnership: means an unincorporated entity formed under the law of a jurisdiction other than this state which would be a limited partnership if formed under the law of this state. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Foreign partnership: means an unincorporated entity formed under the law of a jurisdiction other than this state which would be a partnership if formed under the law of this state. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Fraud: Intentional deception resulting in injury to another.
- Full-time: means a:(2)(a) regular full-time employee whose term of employment for a participating employer contemplates continued employment during a fiscal or calendar year and whose employment normally requires an average of 40 hours or more per week and who receives benefits normally provided by the participating employer;(2)(b) teacher whose term of employment for a participating employer contemplates continued employment during a school year and who teaches full time;(2)(c) firefighter service employee whose employment normally requires an average of 2,080 hours of regularly scheduled firefighter service per year; and(2)(d) public safety service employee whose employment normally requires an average of 2,080 hours of regularly scheduled public safety service per year. See Utah Code 49-11-1301
- Function: means a group of related activities aimed at accomplishing a major service or regulatory program for which a governmental unit is responsible. See Utah Code 51-5-3
- Fund: means an independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts, composed of financial resources and other assets, all related liabilities and residual equities or balances and changes in those resources, assets, liabilities, and equities that, when recorded, are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives, according to special regulations, restrictions, or limitations. See Utah Code 51-5-3
- Fund: means any fund created under this title for the purpose of paying benefits or costs of administering a system, plan, or program. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Fund: means the Hazardous Substances Mitigation Fund created by Section 19-6-307. See Utah Code 19-6-302
- Fund: means the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund created in Section 19-6-409. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Fund: means the Waste Tire Recycling Fund created in Section 19-6-807. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Gainful employment: means any occupation or employment position in the state that:(4)(a)(i) contemplates continued employment during a fiscal or calendar year; and(4)(a)(ii) would pay an amount equal to or greater than 40 hours per week at the legally required minimum wage, regardless of the number of hours worked. See Utah Code 49-21-102
- Garnishment: Generally, garnishment is a court proceeding in which a creditor asks a court to order a third party who owes money to the debtor or otherwise holds assets belonging to the debtor to turn over to the creditor any of the debtor
- GASB: means the Governmental Accounting Standards Board that is responsible for accounting standards used by public entities. See Utah Code 51-5-3
- Gasification: means a manufacturing process that:(5)(a) heats post-use polymers or recovered feedstock in an oxygen-controlled atmosphere; and(5)(b) following the process described in Subsection (5)(a), converts the polymers or recovered feedstock into syngas or a raw, intermediate, or final product. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- General partner: means a person that:(8)(a) has become a general partner under Section 48-2e-401 or was a general partner in a limited partnership when the limited partnership became subject to this chapter under Section 48-2e-1205; and(8)(b) has not dissociated as a general partner under Section 48-2e-603. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- General public benefit: means a material positive impact on society and the environment:(3)(a) taken as a whole;(3)(b) assessed against a third-party standard; and(3)(c) from the business of a benefit company. See Utah Code 48-4-103
- generated: means the act or process of producing nonhazardous solid or hazardous waste. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Gift: A voluntary transfer or conveyance of property without consideration, or for less than full and adequate consideration based on fair market value.
- Governing board: means :(6)(a) the governing board of each political subdivision;(6)(b) the governing board of each interlocal organization having the power to tax or to expend public funds;(6)(c) the governing board of any local mental health authority established under the authority of Title 26B, Chapter 5, Health Care - Substance Use and Mental Health;(6)(d) the governing board of any substance abuse authority established under the authority of Title 26B, Chapter 5, Health Care - Substance Use and Mental Health;(6)(e) the governing board of any area agency established under the authority of Title 26B, Chapter 6, Part 1, Aging and Adult Services;(6)(f) the board of directors of any nonprofit corporation that receives an amount of money requiring an accounting report under Section Utah Code 51-2a-102
- Governing body: means the governing board, commission, or council of a public entity. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Governing person: means a person, alone or in concert with others, by or under whose authority the powers of the limited liability company are exercised and under whose direction the activities and affairs of the limited liability company are managed pursuant to this chapter and the limited liability company's operating agreement. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Governmental fund: includes the following types: General Fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds, capital projects funds, and permanent funds. See Utah Code 51-5-3
- Governmental nonprofit corporation: means the same as that term is defined in Section 11-13a-102. See Utah Code 51-2a-102
- Governor: includes former governors. See Utah Code 49-19-102
- Graphical user interface: means a publicly accessible interface through which a person interacts with computer software through visual indicator representations. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Group: means any organized club, organization, corporation or association which at the time of use of the shooting range has a certified official in charge while shooting is taking place and while the range is open. See Utah Code 47-3-102
- Guarantor: A party who agrees to be responsible for the payment of another party's debts should that party default. Source: OCC
- Guardian: A person legally empowered and charged with the duty of taking care of and managing the property of another person who because of age, intellect, or health, is incapable of managing his (her) own affairs.
- Guardian: includes a person who:(14)(a) qualifies as a guardian of a minor or incapacitated person pursuant to testamentary or court appointment; or(14)(b) is appointed by a court to manage the estate of a minor or incapacitated person. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Half-time: means :(3)(a) a regular employee whose term of employment for a participating employer contemplates continued employment during a fiscal or calendar year and whose employment normally requires an average of 20 hours per week and who receives benefits normally provided by the participating employer;(3)(b) a teacher whose term of employment for a participating employer contemplates continued employment during a school year and who teaches half time;(3)(c) a firefighter service employee whose employment normally requires an average of 1,040 hours of regularly scheduled firefighter service per year;(3)(d) a public safety service employee whose employment normally requires an average of 1,040 hours of regularly scheduled public safety service per year; and(3)(e) for a retiree employed before retirement as a public safety service employee or a firefighter service employee in a position for which the participating employer established a regularly scheduled work period in excess of 2,080 hours per year, one-half of that regularly scheduled work period as long as the retiree has continuing employment in that same position. See Utah Code 49-11-1301
- Hard fork: means a blockchain software upgrade that is not compatible with previous versions of the blockchain software and requires all users to upgrade to the latest version of the blockchain software. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Hazardous materials: means hazardous waste as defined in the Utah Hazardous Waste Management Regulations, PCBs, dioxin, asbestos, or a substance regulated under Utah Code 19-6-302
- Hazardous substances: means the definition of hazardous substances contained in CERCLA. See Utah Code 19-6-302
- Hazardous substances priority list: means a list of facilities meeting the criteria established by Section 19-6-311 that may be addressed under the authority of this part. See Utah Code 19-6-302
- Hazardous waste: means a solid waste or combination of solid wastes other than household waste that, because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating reversible illness or may pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise managed. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Hazardous wastes: means hazardous waste as defined in Section 19-6-102. See Utah Code 19-6-202
- Health department: means a local health department under Title 26A, Local Health Authorities. See Utah Code 19-6-902
- Highway: includes :(15)(a) a public bridge;(15)(b) a county way;(15)(c) a county road;(15)(d) a common road; and(15)(e) a state road. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Household waste: means any waste material, including garbage, trash, and sanitary wastes in septic tanks, derived from households, including single-family and multiple-family residences, hotels and motels, bunk houses, ranger stations, crew quarters, campgrounds, picnic grounds, and day-use recreation areas. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- IFC: means the edition of the International Fire Code adopted under Section 15A-5-103. See Utah Code 15A-5-102
- Immediate family member: means a parent, spouse, surviving spouse, child, or sibling. See Utah Code 48-4-103
- Inactive member: means a member who has not been employed by a participating employer for a period of at least 120 days. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Indemnification: In general, a collateral contract or assurance under which one person agrees to secure another person against either anticipated financial losses or potential adverse legal consequences. Source: FDIC
- Industrial byproduct: means an industrial residual, including:(4)(a)(i) inert construction debris;(4)(a)(ii) fly ash;(4)(a)(iii) bottom ash;(4)(a)(iv) slag;(4)(a)(v) flue gas emission control residuals generated primarily from the combustion of coal or other fossil fuel;(4)(a)(vi) residual from the extraction, beneficiation, and processing of an ore or mineral;(4)(a)(vii) cement kiln dust; or(4)(a)(viii) contaminated soil extracted as a result of a corrective action subject to an operation plan under Part 1, Solid and Hazardous Waste Act. See Utah Code 19-6-1102
- Infectious waste: means a solid waste that contains or may reasonably be expected to contain pathogens of sufficient virulence and quantity that exposure to the waste by a susceptible host could result in an infectious disease. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Initially entering: includes an employee of a participating employer, except for an employee that is not eligible under a system or plan under this title, who:(29)(c)(i) does not have any prior service credit on file with the office;(29)(c)(ii) is covered by a retirement plan other than a retirement plan created under this title; and(29)(c)(iii) moves to a position with a participating employer that is covered by this title. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Injunction: An order of the court prohibiting (or compelling) the performance of a specific act to prevent irreparable damage or injury.
- Innocent landowner: means a person who qualifies for the exemption from liability in Utah Code 19-6-302
- Institution of higher education: means an institution described in Section 53B-1-102. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Intellectual disability: means a significant, subaverage general intellectual functioning that:(16)(a) exists concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior; and(16)(b) is manifested during the developmental period as defined in the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Inter vivos: Transfer of property from one living person to another living person.
- Interest rate: The amount paid by a borrower to a lender in exchange for the use of the lender's money for a certain period of time. Interest is paid on loans or on debt instruments, such as notes or bonds, either at regular intervals or as part of a lump sum payment when the issue matures. Source: OCC
- Intestate: Dying without leaving a will.
- Joint tenancy: A form of property ownership in which two or more parties hold an undivided interest in the same property that was conveyed under the same instrument at the same time. A joint tenant can sell his (her) interest but not dispose of it by will. Upon the death of a joint tenant, his (her) undivided interest is distributed among the surviving joint tenants.
- Judge: means a judge or justice of the courts of record as enumerated in Section 78A-1-101. See Utah Code 49-17-102
- Judge: means a judge or justice of the courts of record as enumerated in Section 78A-1-101. See Utah Code 49-18-102
- Jurisdiction: (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case. (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases.
- Jurisdiction: means the area within the incorporated limits of:(7)(a) a municipality;(7)(b) a special service district;(7)(c) a municipal-type service district;(7)(d) a service area; or(7)(e) the territorial area of a county not lying within a municipality. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Jurisdiction of formation: means , with respect to an entity, the jurisdiction:(9)(a) under whose law the entity is formed; or(9)(b) in the case of a limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership, in which the partnership's statement of qualification is filed. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Jurisdiction of formation: means , with respect to an entity, the jurisdiction:(10)(a) under whose law the entity is formed; or(10)(b) in the case of a limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership, in which the partnership's statement of qualification is filed. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Jurisdiction of formation: means , with respect to an entity, the jurisdiction:(9)(a) under whose law the entity is formed; or(9)(b) in the case of a limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership, in which the partnership's statement of qualification is filed. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Land: includes :(18)(a) land;(18)(b) a tenement;(18)(c) a hereditament;(18)(d) a water right;(18)(e) a possessory right; and(18)(f) a claim. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Landfill waste tire pile: means a waste tire pile:(13)(a) located within the permitted boundary of a landfill or transfer station operated by a governmental entity; and(13)(b) consisting solely of waste tires brought to a landfill or transfer station for disposal and diverted from the landfill or transfer station waste stream to the waste tire pile. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Lease: A contract transferring the use of property or occupancy of land, space, structures, or equipment in consideration of a payment (e.g., rent). Source: OCC
- Legal representative: means an individual appointed in the manner specified in the by-laws of a decentralized autonomous organization to perform procedural functions off-chain on behalf of a decentralized autonomous organization. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Legislative session: That part of a chamber's daily session in which it considers legislative business (bills, resolutions, and actions related thereto).
- Legislator: includes former legislators. See Utah Code 49-19-102
- Liabilities: The aggregate of all debts and other legal obligations of a particular person or legal entity.
- Lien: A claim against real or personal property in satisfaction of a debt.
- Limited partner: means a person that:(12)(a) has become a limited partner under Section 48-2e-301 or was a limited partner in a limited partnership when the limited partnership became subject to this chapter under Section 48-2e-1205; and(12)(b) has not dissociated under Section 48-2e-601. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Limited partnership: means an entity formed under this chapter or which becomes subject to this chapter under Part 11, Merger, Interest Exchange, Conversion, and Domestication, or Section 48-2e-1205. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Line-of-duty death: means a death resulting from:(4)(a)(i) external force, violence, or disease occasioned by an act of duty as a public safety service employee; or(4)(a)(ii) strenuous activity, including a heart attack or stroke, that occurs during strenuous training or another strenuous activity required as an act of duty as a public safety service employee. See Utah Code 49-14-102
- Line-of-duty death: means a death resulting from:(4)(a)(i) external force, violence, or disease occasioned by an act of duty as a public safety service employee; or(4)(a)(ii) strenuous activity, including a heart attack or stroke, that occurs during strenuous training or another strenuous activity required as an act of duty as a public safety service employee. See Utah Code 49-15-102
- Line-of-duty death: means a death resulting from:(8)(a)(i) external force, violence, or disease occasioned by an act of duty as a public safety service or firefighter service employee; or(8)(a)(ii) strenuous activity, including a heart attack or stroke, that occurs during strenuous training or another strenuous activity required as an act of duty as a public safety service or firefighter service employee. See Utah Code 49-23-102
- Line-of-duty death or disability: includes the death or disability of a paid firefighter resulting from heart disease, lung disease, or a respiratory tract condition if the paid firefighter has five years of firefighter service credit. See Utah Code 49-16-102
- Litigation: A case, controversy, or lawsuit. Participants (plaintiffs and defendants) in lawsuits are called litigants.
- Local health department: means the local health department, as defined in Section 26A-1-102, with jurisdiction over the recycler. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Long-term agreement: means an agreement or contract having a term of more than five years but less than 50 years. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Low-profit limited liability company: means a limited liability company meeting the requirements of Part 13, Low-Profit Limited Liability Companies. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Majority chain: means the version of the blockchain accepted by more than half of the blockchain's validators following a hard fork. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Manager: means a person that under the operating agreement of a manager-managed limited liability company is responsible, alone or in concert with others, for performing the management functions stated in Subsection 48-3a-407(3). See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Manager-managed limited liability company: means a limited liability company that qualifies under Subsection 48-3a-407(1). See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Manifest: means the form used for identifying the quantity, composition, origin, routing, and destination of hazardous waste during its transportation from the point of generation to the point of disposal, treatment, or storage. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Manufacturer: means a person who:(6)(a) manufactures a consumer electronic device under a brand the person owns or is licensed to use; or(6)(b) assumes the responsibilities and obligations of a person described in Subsection (6)(a). See Utah Code 19-6-1202
- Mass balance attribution: means a chain of custody accounting methodology with rules defined by a third-party certification system that enables the attribution of the mass of advanced recycling feedstock to at least one advanced recycling product. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Materials derived from waste tires: means tire sections, tire chips, tire shreddings, rubber, steel, fabric, or other similar materials derived from waste tires. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Maximum benefit period: means the maximum period of time the monthly disability income benefit will be paid under Section 49-21-403 for any continuous period of total disability. See Utah Code 49-21-102
- Meeting: means a synchronous or asynchronous event for the purpose of discussing and acting upon decentralized autonomous organization related matters by members or participants. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Member: means a person, except a retiree, with contributions on deposit with a system, the Utah Governors' and Legislators' Retirement Plan under Chapter 19, Utah Governors' and Legislators' Retirement Act, or with a terminated system. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Member: means a person that:(14)(a) has become a member of a limited liability company under Section 48-3a-401 or was a member in a company when the company became subject to this chapter under Section 48-3a-1405; and(14)(b) has not dissociated under Section 48-3a-602. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Member: means a person who has governance rights in a decentralized autonomous organization. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Member contributions: means the sum of the contributions paid to a system or the Utah Governors' and Legislators' Retirement Plan, including refund interest if allowed by a system, and which are made by:(32)(a) the member; and(32)(b) the participating employer on the member's behalf under Section 414(h) of the Internal Revenue Code. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Member-managed limited liability company: means a limited liability company that is not a manager-managed limited liability company. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Military range: means a shooting range located on a state military installation. See Utah Code 47-3-102
- Minimum status vote: means :(6)(a) in the case of a limited liability company, in addition to any other required approval or vote, the satisfaction of the following conditions:(6)(a)(i) the members of every class or series may vote as a separate voting group on an action of the limited liability company regardless of a limitation state in the certificate of organization or operating agreement on the voting rights of any class or series; and(6)(a)(ii) the action of the limited liability company is required to be approved by vote of the members of each class or series entitled to cast at least two-thirds of the votes that all members of the class or series are entitled to cast on the action; or(6)(b) in the case of a domestic entity other than a limited liability company, in addition to any other required approval, vote, or consent, the satisfaction of the following conditions:(6)(b)(i) the holders of every class or series of interest in the entity that are entitled to receive a distribution of any kind from the entity may vote on or consent to the action regardless of any otherwise applicable limitation on voting or consent rights of the class or series; and(6)(b)(ii) the action of the limited liability company is required to be approved by vote or consent of the holders described in Subsection (6)(b)(i) entitled to cast at least two-thirds of the votes or consents that all of those holders are entitled to cast on the action. See Utah Code 48-4-103
- Minority chain: means the version of the chain that is not the majority chain following a hard fork. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Minority leader: See Floor Leaders
- Mixed waste: means material that is a hazardous waste as defined in this chapter and is also radioactive as defined in Section 19-3-102. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Mobile facility: means a mobile facility capable of cutting waste tires on site so the waste tires may be effectively disposed of by burial, such as in a landfill. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Modification request: means a request under Section 19-6-108 to modify a permitted facility or site for the purpose of disposing of nonhazardous solid waste or treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous waste. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Month: means a calendar month, unless otherwise expressed. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Monthly disability benefit: means the monthly payments and accrual of service credit under Section 49-21-401. See Utah Code 49-21-102
- Mortgage: The written agreement pledging property to a creditor as collateral for a loan.
- Municipal residential waste: means solid waste that is:(10)(a) discarded or rejected at a residence within the public entity's jurisdiction; and(10)(b) collected at or near the residence by:(10)(b)(i) a public entity; or(10)(b)(ii) a person with whom the public entity has as an agreement to provide solid waste management. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- National Contingency Plan: means the National Oil and Hazardous Substance Contingency plan established by CERCLA. See Utah Code 19-6-302
- National Priority List: means the list established by CERCLA. See Utah Code 19-6-302
- National priority list site: means a site in Utah that is listed on the National Priority List. See Utah Code 19-6-302
- NFPA: means the edition of the National Fire Protection Association adopted under Section 15A-5-103. See Utah Code 15A-5-102
- Nonelective contribution: means an amount contributed by a participating employer into a participant's defined contribution account. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- nonhazardous solid or hazardous waste operation plan: means a plan or approval under Section 19-6-108, including:(16)(a) a plan to own, construct, or operate a facility or site for the purpose of transferring, treating, or disposing of nonhazardous solid waste or treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous waste;(16)(b) a closure plan;(16)(c) a modification request; or(16)(d) an approval that the director is authorized to issue. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Nonmilitary range: means a shooting range that is not a military range. See Utah Code 47-3-102
- Normal cost rate: means the normal cost rate, as defined in Section
49-11-102 , to be applied to the system that would have covered the retiree if the retiree's reemployed position were deemed to be an eligible, full-time position within that system. See Utah Code 49-11-1202 v2 - Objective medical impairment: means an impairment resulting from an injury or illness that is diagnosed by a physician or physician assistant and that is based on accepted objective medical tests or findings rather than subjective complaints. See Utah Code 49-16-102
- Objective medical impairment: means an impairment resulting from an injury or illness that is diagnosed by a physician and that is based on accepted objective medical tests or findings rather than subjective complaints. See Utah Code 49-21-102
- Obligation: An order placed, contract awarded, service received, or similar transaction during a given period that will require payments during the same or a future period.
- Off-chain: means any action that is not on-chain. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Office: means the Utah State Retirement Office. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- On-chain: means any action that is recorded and verified on a blockchain. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Ongoing disability: means , after the elimination period and the first 24 months of disability benefits, the complete inability due to objective medical impairment, as determined under Subsection 49-21-401(9), to engage in any gainful employment which is reasonable, considering the eligible employee's education, training, and experience. See Utah Code 49-21-102
- Operating agreement: means the agreement, whether or not referred to as an operating agreement and whether oral, implied, in a record, or in any combination thereof, of all the members of a limited liability company, including a sole member, concerning the matters described in Subsection 48-3a-112(1). See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Operator: means a person in control of or who is responsible on a daily basis for the maintenance of a petroleum storage tank that is in use for the storage, use, or dispensing of a regulated substance. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Organizer: means a person that acts under Section 48-3a-201 to form a limited liability company. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Organizer: means a person that submits the certificate of filing as required in Section 48-5-201. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Outlays: Outlays are payments made (generally through the issuance of checks or disbursement of cash) to liquidate obligations. Outlays during a fiscal year may be for payment of obligations incurred in prior years or in the same year.
- Oversight: Committee review of the activities of a Federal agency or program.
- Own occupation disability: means the complete inability, due to objective medical impairment, whether physical or mental, to engage in the eligible employee's regular occupation during the elimination period and the first 24 months of disability benefits. See Utah Code 49-21-102
- Owner: means :(19)(a) in the case of an underground storage tank in use on or after November 8, 1984, a person who owns an underground storage tank used for the storage, use, or dispensing of a regulated substance;(19)(b) in the case of an underground storage tank in use before November 8, 1984, but not in use on or after November 8, 1984, a person who owned the tank immediately before the discontinuance of its use for the storage, use, or dispensing of a regulated substance; and(19)(c) in the case of an aboveground petroleum storage tank, a person who owns the aboveground petroleum storage tank. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Owns: includes ownership as the owner of record or as a beneficial owner. See Utah Code 48-4-103
- Part-time appointed or elected board member: means an individual who:(3)(a) serves in a position:(3)(a)(i) as a member of a board, commission, council, committee, panel, or other body of a participating employer; and(3)(a)(ii) that is designated in the participating employer's governing statute, charter, creation document, or similar document;(3)(b) is appointed or elected to the position for a definite and fixed term of office by official and duly recorded action of the participating employer;(3)(c) except for the service in the position, does not perform other work or service for compensation for the participating employer, whether as an employee or under a contract; and(3)(d) retires from a participating employer that is different than the participating employer with the position in which the person serves. See Utah Code 49-11-1202
- Participant: means an individual with voluntary deferrals or nonelective contributions on deposit with the defined contribution plans administered under this title. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Participant: means a person that:(22)(a) is not a member of a decentralized autonomous organization; and(22)(b) holds or interacts with a token of a decentralized autonomous organization. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Participating employer: means a participating employer, as defined by Chapter 12, Public Employees' Contributory Retirement Act, Chapter 13, Public Employees' Noncontributory Retirement Act, Chapter 14, Public Safety Contributory Retirement Act, Chapter 15, Public Safety Noncontributory Retirement Act, Chapter 16, Firefighters' Retirement Act, Chapter 17, Judges' Contributory Retirement Act, and Chapter 18, Judges' Noncontributory Retirement Act, or an agency financed in whole or in part by public funds which is participating in a system or plan as of January 1, 2002. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Participating employer: means an employer that meets the participation requirements of Sections 49-12-201 and 49-12-202. See Utah Code 49-12-102
- Participating employer: means an employer that meets the participation requirements of Sections 49-13-201 and 49-13-202. See Utah Code 49-13-102
- Participating employer: means an employer that meets the participation requirements of Section 49-14-201. See Utah Code 49-14-102
- Participating employer: means an employer that meets the participation requirements of Section 49-15-201. See Utah Code 49-15-102
- Participating employer: means an employer that meets the participation requirements of Section 49-16-201. See Utah Code 49-16-102
- Participating employer: means the state. See Utah Code 49-17-102
- Participating employer: means the state. See Utah Code 49-18-102
- Participating employer: means an employer that meets the participation requirements of:(5)(c) Section 49-19-201; or
- Participating employer: means an employer that meets the participation requirements of:
- Partner: means a person that:(11)(a) has become a partner in a partnership under Section 48-1d-401 or was a partner in a partnership when the partnership became subject to this chapter under Section 48-1d-1405; and(11)(b) has not dissociated as a partner under Section 48-1d-701. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Partner: means a limited partner or general partner. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Partnership: A voluntary contract between two or more persons to pool some or all of their assets into a business, with the agreement that there will be a proportional sharing of profits and losses.
- Partnership: means an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners a business for profit formed under this chapter or that becomes subject to this chapter under Part 10, Merger, Interest Exchange, Conversion, and Domestication, or Section 48-1d-1405. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Partnership agreement: means the agreement, whether or not referred to as a partnership agreement, and whether oral, implied, in a record, or in any combination thereof, of all the partners of a partnership concerning the matters described in Subsection 48-1d-106(1). See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Partnership agreement: means the agreement, whether or not referred to as a partnership agreement, and whether oral, implied, in a record, or in any combination thereof, of all the partners of a limited partnership concerning the matters described in Subsection 48-2e-112(1). See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Partnership at will: means a partnership in which the partners have not agreed to remain partners until the expiration of a definite term or the completion of a particular undertaking. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Passenger tire equivalent: means a measure of mixed sizes of tires where each 25 pounds of whole tires or material derived from waste tires is equal to one waste tire. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Pension: means monthly payments derived from participating employer contributions. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Peripheral: means a keyboard, printer, or other device that:(7)(a) is sold exclusively for external use with a television or computer; and(7)(b) provides input into or output from a television or computer. See Utah Code 19-6-1202
- Permissionless blockchain: means a publicly distributed ledger that allows a person to transact and produce blocks in accordance with the blockchain protocol, in which the validity of the block is independent of the identity of the user. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Permit: includes an operation plan. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Permittee: means a person who is obligated under an operation plan. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Person: means an individual, trust, firm, estate, company, corporation, partnership, association, state, state or federal agency or entity, municipality, commission, or political subdivision of a state. See Utah Code 19-1-103
- Person: means an individual, business corporation, nonprofit corporation, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited cooperative association, unincorporated nonprofit association, statutory trust, business trust, common-law business trust, estate, trust, association, joint venture, public corporation, government or governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, or any other legal or commercial entity. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Person: means an individual, business corporation, nonprofit corporation, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited cooperative association, unincorporated nonprofit association, statutory trust, business trust, common-law business trust, estate, trust, association, joint venture, public corporation, government or governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, or any other legal or commercial entity. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Person: means an individual, business corporation, nonprofit corporation, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited cooperative association, unincorporated nonprofit association, statutory trust, business trust, common-law business trust, estate, trust, association, joint venture, public corporation, government or governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, or any other legal or commercial entity. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Person: means :(24)(a) an individual;(24)(b) an association;(24)(c) an institution;(24)(d) a corporation;(24)(e) a company;(24)(f) a trust;(24)(g) a limited liability company;(24)(h) a partnership;(24)(i) a political subdivision;(24)(j) a government office, department, division, bureau, or other body of government; and(24)(k) any other organization or entity. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Petroleum: includes crude oil or a fraction of crude oil that is liquid at:(20)(a) 60 degrees Fahrenheit; and(20)(b) a pressure of 14. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Petroleum storage tank: means a tank that:(21)(a) is an underground storage tank;(21)(b) is an aboveground petroleum storage tank; or(21)(c) is a tank containing regulated substances that is voluntarily submitted for participation in the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund under Section 19-6-415. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Pharmacist: is a s defined in Section 58-17b-102. See Utah Code 49-20-502
- Pharmacy: is a s defined in Section 58-17b-102. See Utah Code 49-20-502
- Pharmacy benefits manager: means a person that provides a pharmacy benefits management service to the program. See Utah Code 49-20-502
- Phased retirement: means continuing employment:(4)(a) on a half-time basis of a retiree with the same participating employer following the retiree's retirement date while the retiree receives a reduced retirement allowance; or(4)(b) on a three-quarter time basis of a retiree with the same participating employer following the retiree's retirement date while the retiree receives a reduced retirement allowance if the retiree is employed as a public safety service employee or a firefighter service employee. See Utah Code 49-11-1301
- Physician: means a licensed physician. See Utah Code 49-21-102
- Pilot period: means the period beginning on July 1, 2023, and ending on June 30, 2026. See Utah Code 49-21-102
- Plaintiff: The person who files the complaint in a civil lawsuit.
- Plan: means the Utah Governors' and Legislators' Retirement Plan created by Chapter 19, Utah Governors' and Legislators' Retirement Act, the New Public Employees' Tier II Defined Contribution Plan created by Chapter 22, Part 4, Tier II Defined Contribution Plan, the New Public Safety and Firefighter Tier II Defined Contribution Plan created by Chapter 23, Part 4, Tier II Defined Contribution Plan, or the defined contribution plans created under Section 49-11-801. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Plan: means the Utah Governors' and Legislators' Retirement Plan created under this chapter. See Utah Code 49-19-102
- Plea: In a criminal case, the defendant's statement pleading "guilty" or "not guilty" in answer to the charges, a declaration made in open court.
- Plea agreement: An arrangement between the prosecutor, the defense attorney, and the defendant in which the defendant agrees to plead guilty in exchange for special considerations. Source:
- Postemployment: means that period of time following:(20)(a) the last day worked by an employee as a result of his long-term disability; or(20)(b) the date that an employee identifies as the date on which the employee intends to retire or terminate from state employment. See Utah Code 51-5-3
- Principal office: means the principal executive office of a partnership or a foreign limited liability partnership, whether or not the office is located in this state. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Principal office: means the principal executive office of a limited partnership or foreign limited partnership, whether or not the office is located in this state. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Principal office: means the principal executive office of a limited liability company or foreign limited liability company, whether or not the office is located in this state. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Probate: Proving a will
- Proceeds of the fee: means the money collected by the commission from payment of the recycling fee including interest and penalties on delinquent payments. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Process: means a writ or summons issued in the course of a judicial proceeding. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Professional services: means a personal service provided by:(17)(a) a public accountant holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 26a, Certified Public Accountant Licensing Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of public accounting;(17)(b) an architect holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 3a, Architects Licensing Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of architecture;(17)(c) an attorney granted the authority to practice law by the:(17)(c)(i) Utah Supreme Court; or(17)(c)(ii) one or more of the following that licenses or regulates the authority to practice law in a state or territory of the United States other than Utah:(17)(c)(ii)(A) a supreme court;(17)(c)(ii)(B) a court other than a supreme court;(17)(c)(ii)(C) an agency;(17)(c)(ii)(D) an instrumentality; or(17)(c)(ii)(E) a regulating board;(17)(d) a chiropractor holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 73, Chiropractic Physician Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of chiropractics;(17)(e) a doctor of dentistry holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 69, Dentist and Dental Hygienist Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of dentistry;(17)(f) a professional engineer registered under Title 58, Chapter 22, Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Licensing Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of engineers or land surveyors;(17)(g) a naturopath holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 71, Naturopathic Physician Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of naturopathy;(17)(h) a nurse licensed under Title 58, Chapter 31b, Nurse Practice Act, or Chapter 44a, Nurse Midwife Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of nursing;(17)(i) an optometrist holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 16a, Utah Optometry Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of optometry;(17)(j) an osteopathic physician or surgeon holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 68, Utah Osteopathic Medical Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of osteopathy;(17)(k) a pharmacist holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 17b, Pharmacy Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of pharmacy;(17)(l) a physician, surgeon, or doctor of medicine holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 67, Utah Medical Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of medicine;(17)(m) a physician assistant holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 70a, Utah Physician Assistant Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice as a physician assistant;(17)(n) a physical therapist holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 24b, Physical Therapy Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of physical therapy;(17)(o) a podiatric physician holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 5a, Podiatric Physician Licensing Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of podiatry;(17)(p) a psychologist holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 61, Psychologist Licensing Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of psychology;(17)(q) a principal broker, associate broker, or sales agent holding a license under Title 61, Chapter 2f, Real Estate Licensing and Practices Act, or a subsequent law regulating the sale, exchange, purchase, rental, or leasing of real estate;(17)(r) a clinical or certified social worker holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 60, Part 2, Social Worker Licensing Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of social work;(17)(s) a mental health therapist holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 60, Mental Health Professional Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of mental health therapy;(17)(t) a veterinarian holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 28, Veterinary Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of veterinary medicine; or(17)(u) an individual licensed, certified, or registered under Title 61, Chapter 2g, Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of appraising real estate. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Professional services: means a personal service provided by:(1)(a) a public accountant holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 26a, Certified Public Accountant Licensing Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of public accounting;(1)(b) an architect holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 3a, Architects Licensing Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of architecture;(1)(c) an attorney granted the authority to practice law by the:(1)(c)(i) Utah Supreme Court; or(1)(c)(ii) one or more of the following that licenses or regulates the authority to practice law in a state or territory of the United States other than Utah:(1)(c)(ii)(A) a supreme court;(1)(c)(ii)(B) a court other than a supreme court;(1)(c)(ii)(C) an agency;(1)(c)(ii)(D) an instrumentality; or(1)(c)(ii)(E) a regulating board;(1)(d) a chiropractor holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 73, Chiropractic Physician Practice Act, or any subsequent law regulating the practice of chiropractics;(1)(e) a doctor of dentistry holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 69, Dentist and Dental Hygienist Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of dentistry;(1)(f) a professional engineer registered under Title 58, Chapter 22, Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Licensing Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of engineers and land surveyors;(1)(g) a naturopath holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 71, Naturopathic Physician Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of naturopathy;(1)(h) a nurse licensed under Title 58, Chapter 31b, Nurse Practice Act, or Title 58, Chapter 44a, Nurse Midwife Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of nursing;(1)(i) an optometrist holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 16a, Utah Optometry Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of optometry;(1)(j) an osteopathic physician or surgeon holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 68, Utah Osteopathic Medical Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of osteopathy;(1)(k) a pharmacist holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 17b, Pharmacy Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of pharmacy;(1)(l) a physician, surgeon, or doctor of medicine holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 67, Utah Medical Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of medicine;(1)(m) a physician assistant holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 70a, Utah Physician Assistant Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice as a physician assistant;(1)(n) a physical therapist holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 24b, Physical Therapy Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of physical therapy;(1)(o) a podiatric physician holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 5a, Podiatric Physician Licensing Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of podiatry;(1)(p) a psychologist holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 61, Psychologist Licensing Act, or any subsequent law regulating the practice of psychology;(1)(q) a principal broker, associate broker, or sales agent holding a license under Title 61, Chapter 2f, Real Estate Licensing and Practices Act, or a subsequent law regulating the sale, exchange, purchase, rental, or leasing of real estate;(1)(r) a clinical or certified social worker holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 60, Part 2, Social Worker Licensing Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of social work;(1)(s) a mental health therapist holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 60, Mental Health Professional Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of mental health therapy;(1)(t) a veterinarian holding a license under Title 58, Chapter 28, Veterinary Practice Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of veterinary medicine; or(1)(u) an individual licensed, certified, or registered under Title 61, Chapter 2g, Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Act, or a subsequent law regulating the practice of appraising real estate. See Utah Code 48-3a-1101
- Professional services company: means a limited liability company organized in accordance with Part 11, Professional Services Companies. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Professional services partnership: means a limited liability partnership organized in accordance with this part to provide professional services. See Utah Code 48-1d-1301
- Program: means the Public Employees' Insurance Program created under Chapter 20, Public Employees' Benefit and Insurance Program Act, or the Public Employees' Long-Term Disability program created under Chapter 21, Public Employees' Long-Term Disability Act. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Program: means the Public Employees' Benefit and Insurance Program. See Utah Code 49-20-102
- Program: means the Environmental Assurance Program under Section Utah Code 19-6-402
- Property: means all property, whether real, personal, or mixed, or tangible or intangible, or any right or interest therein. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Property: means all property, whether real, personal, or mixed or tangible or intangible, or any right or interest therein. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Property: means all property, whether real, personal, or mixed or tangible or intangible, or any right or interest therein. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Property: includes both real and personal property. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Property damage: means physical injury to, destruction of, or loss of use of tangible property. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Prosecute: To charge someone with a crime. A prosecutor tries a criminal case on behalf of the government.
- Proxy voting: The practice of allowing a legislator to cast a vote in committee for an absent legislator.
- Public address: means a unique, durable identifier that an individual can transact with on a permissionless blockchain. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Public employee retiree: means a retiree who retires under:(6)(a) Chapter 12, Public Employees' Contributory Retirement Act;(6)(b) Chapter 13, Public Employees' Noncontributory Retirement Act; or(6)(c) Chapter 22, Part 3, Tier II Hybrid Retirement System. See Utah Code 49-11-1202 v2
- Public entity: means :(13)(a) a county;(13)(b) a municipality;(13)(c) a special service district under Title 17D, Chapter 1, Special Service District Act;(13)(d) a service area under Title 17B, Chapter 2a, Part 9, Service Area Act; or(13)(e) a municipal-type service district created under Title 17, Chapter 34, Municipal-Type Services to Unincorporated Areas. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Public forum: means a freely accessible online environment that is commonly used for the exercise of speech and public debate. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Public funds: means those funds derived, either directly or indirectly, from public taxes or public revenue, dues or contributions paid or donated by the membership of the organization, used to finance an activity whose objective is to improve, on a nonprofit basis, the governmental, educational, and social programs and systems of the state or its political subdivisions. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Public funds: means funds provided by the federal government, the state, or a political subdivision of the state. See Utah Code 47-3-102
- Public law: A public bill or joint resolution that has passed both chambers and been enacted into law. Public laws have general applicability nationwide.
- Public project: means a project of the Department of Transportation to construct:(5)(a) a highway or road;(5)(b) a curb;(5)(c) a gutter;(5)(d) a walkway;(5)(e) a parking facility;(5)(f) a public transportation facility; or(5)(g) a facility, infrastructure, or transportation improvement that benefits the public. See Utah Code 19-6-1102
- Public safety or firefighter retiree: means a retiree who retires under:(7)(a) Chapter 14, Public Safety Contributory Retirement Act;(7)(b) Chapter 15, Public Safety Noncontributory Retirement Act;(7)(c) Chapter 16, Firefighters' Retirement Act; or(7)(d) Chapter 23, Part 3, Tier II Hybrid Retirement System. See Utah Code 49-11-1202 v2
- Public safety service: means employment normally requiring an average of 2,080 hours of regularly scheduled employment per year rendered by a member who is:(6)(a)(i) a law enforcement officer in accordance with Section 53-13-103;(6)(a)(ii) a correctional officer in accordance with Section 53-13-104;(6)(a)(iii) a special function officer approved in accordance with Sections 49-14-201 and 53-13-105;(6)(a)(iv) a dispatcher who is certified in accordance with Section 53-6-303;(6)(a)(v) a full-time member of the Board of Pardons and Parole created under Section 77-27-2;(6)(a)(vi) the commissioner of the Department of Public Safety; or(6)(a)(vii) the executive director of the Department of Corrections. See Utah Code 49-14-102
- Public safety service: means employment normally requiring an average of 2,080 hours of regularly scheduled employment per year rendered by a member who is:(6)(a)(i) a law enforcement officer in accordance with Section 53-13-103;(6)(a)(ii) a correctional officer in accordance with Section 53-13-104;(6)(a)(iii) a special function officer approved in accordance with Sections 49-15-201 and 53-13-105;(6)(a)(iv) a dispatcher who is certified in accordance with Section 53-6-303;(6)(a)(v) a full-time member of the Board of Pardons and Parole created under Section 77-27-2;(6)(a)(vi) the commissioner of the Department of Public Safety; or(6)(a)(vii) the executive director of the Department of Corrections. See Utah Code 49-15-102
- Public safety service: means employment normally requiring an average of 2,080 hours of regularly scheduled employment per year rendered by a member who is:(10)(a)(i) a law enforcement officer in accordance with Section 53-13-103;(10)(a)(ii) a correctional officer in accordance with Section 53-13-104;(10)(a)(iii) a special function officer approved in accordance with Sections 49-15-201 and 53-13-105;(10)(a)(iv) a dispatcher who is certified in accordance with Section 53-6-303;(10)(a)(v) a full-time member of the Board of Pardons and Parole created under Section 77-27-2;(10)(a)(vi) the commissioner of the Department of Public Safety; or(10)(a)(vii) the executive director of the Department of Corrections. See Utah Code 49-23-102
- Public safety service employee: means an employee of a participating employer who performs public safety service under this chapter. See Utah Code 49-14-102
- Public safety service employee: means an employee of a participating employer who performs public safety service under this chapter. See Utah Code 49-15-102
- Public safety service employee: means an employee of a participating employer who performs public safety service under this chapter. See Utah Code 49-23-102
- Public signal: means a declaration authorized by the decentralized autonomous organization in a public forum. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Pyrolysis: means a manufacturing process that:(14)(a) heats post-use polymers or recovered feedstock, without oxygen, until melted and thermally decomposed; and(14)(b) following the process described in Subsection (14)(a), cools, condenses, and converts post-use polymers or recovered feedstock into raw materials and intermediate and final products. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Quality assurance: means a security review of the software code of the decentralized autonomous organization in accordance with industry standards. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Quorum: The number of legislators that must be present to do business.
- range: means an area designed and continuously operated under nationally recognized standards and operating practices for the use of rifles, shotguns, pistols, silhouettes, skeet, trap, black powder, archery, or any other similar shooting activities. See Utah Code 47-3-102
- Real property: Land, and all immovable fixtures erected on, growing on, or affixed to the land.
- real property: includes :(31)(a) land;(31)(b) a tenement;(31)(c) a hereditament;(31)(d) a water right;(31)(e) a possessory right; and(31)(f) a claim. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Recovered feedstock: means a material:(15)(a)(i) that includes post-use polymers;(15)(a)(ii) for which the United States Environmental Protection Agency made a non-waste determination or has otherwise determined is feedstock and solid waste; or(15)(a)(iii) that is converted using an advanced recycling process after storage of less than 270 days. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Recycler: means a person who:(20)(a) annually uses, or can reasonably be expected within the next year to use, a minimum of 100,000 waste tires generated in the state or 1,000 tons of waste tires generated in the state to recover energy or produce energy, crumb rubber, chipped tires, or an ultimate product; and(20)(b) is registered as a recycler in accordance with Section 19-6-806. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Recycling: means the process of collecting and preparing electronic products for:(8)(a)(i) use in a manufacturing process; or(8)(a)(ii) recovery of reusable materials followed by delivery of reusable materials for use. See Utah Code 19-6-1202
- Recycling fee: means the fee provided for in Section 19-6-805. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Redeem: means to exchange a token for the value that the token represents. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- reemployment: means work or service performed for a participating employer after retirement, in exchange for compensation. See Utah Code 49-11-1202
- Refund interest: means the amount accrued on member contributions at a rate adopted by the board. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Registered agent: means an agent of a limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership which is authorized to receive service of any process, notice, or demand required or permitted by law to be served on the partnership. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Registered agent: means an agent of a limited partnership or foreign limited partnership which is authorized to receive service of any process, notice, or demand required or permitted by law to be served on the limited partnership. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Registered agent: means an agent of a limited liability company or foreign limited liability company which is authorized to receive service of any process, notice, or demand required or permitted by law to be served on the company. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Registered foreign limited liability company: means a foreign limited liability company that is registered to do business in this state pursuant to a statement of registration filed by the division. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Registered foreign limited liability partnership: means a foreign limited liability partnership that is registered to do business in this state pursuant to a statement of registration filed by the division. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Registered foreign limited partnership: means a foreign limited partnership that is registered to do business in this state pursuant to a statement of registration filed by the division. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Regular full-time employee: includes :(5)(b)(i) a teacher whose term of employment for a participating employer contemplates continued employment during a school year and who teaches half-time or more;(5)(b)(ii) a classified school employee:(5)(b)(ii)(A) who is hired before July 1, 2013; and(5)(b)(ii)(B) whose employment normally requires an average of 20 hours per week or more for a participating employer, regardless of benefits provided;(5)(b)(iii) an officer, elective or appointive, who earns $500 or more per month, indexed as of January 1, 1990, as provided in Section 49-12-407;(5)(b)(iv) a faculty member or employee of an institution of higher education who is considered full-time by that institution of higher education; and(5)(b)(v) an individual who otherwise meets the definition of this Subsection (5) who performs services for a participating employer through a professional employer organization or similar arrangement. See Utah Code 49-12-102
- Regular full-time employee: includes :(5)(b)(i) a teacher whose term of employment for a participating employer contemplates continued employment during a school year and who teaches half time or more;(5)(b)(ii) a classified school employee:(5)(b)(ii)(A) who is hired before July 1, 2013; and(5)(b)(ii)(B) whose employment normally requires an average of 20 hours per week or more for a participating employer, regardless of benefits provided;(5)(b)(iii) an officer, elective or appointive, who earns $500 or more per month, indexed as of January 1, 1990, as provided in Section 49-13-407;(5)(b)(iv) a faculty member or employee of an institution of higher education who is considered full time by that institution of higher education; and(5)(b)(v) an individual who otherwise meets the definition of this Subsection (5) who performs services for a participating employer through a professional employer organization or similar arrangement. See Utah Code 49-13-102
- Regular full-time employee: includes :(6)(b)(i) a teacher whose term of employment for a participating employer contemplates continued employment during a school year and who teaches half time or more;(6)(b)(ii) a classified school employee:(6)(b)(ii)(A) who is hired before July 1, 2013; and(6)(b)(ii)(B) whose employment normally requires an average of 20 hours per week or more for a participating employer, regardless of benefits provided;(6)(b)(iii) an appointive officer whose appointed position is full time as certified by the participating employer;(6)(b)(iv) the governor, the lieutenant governor, the state auditor, the state treasurer, the attorney general, and a state legislator;(6)(b)(v) an elected official not included under Subsection (6)(b)(iv) whose elected position is full time as certified by the participating employer;(6)(b)(vi) a faculty member or employee of an institution of higher education who is considered full time by that institution of higher education; and(6)(b)(vii) an individual who otherwise meets the definition of this Subsection (6) who performs services for a participating employer through a professional employer organization or similar arrangement. See Utah Code 49-22-102
- Regular monthly salary: means the amount certified by the participating employer as the monthly salary of the eligible employee, unless there is a discrepancy between the certified amount and the amount actually paid, in which case the office shall determine the regular monthly salary. See Utah Code 49-21-102
- Regular occupation: means either:(13)(a) the primary duties performed by the eligible employee for the 12 months preceding the date of disability; or(13)(b) a permanent assignment of duty to the eligible employee, as long as the eligible employee has actually performed all the required duties of the permanent assignment of duty. See Utah Code 49-21-102
- Regularly constituted fire department: means a fire department that employs a fire chief who performs firefighter service for at least 2,080 hours of regularly scheduled paid employment per year. See Utah Code 49-16-102
- Regulated substance: includes motor fuels, jet fuels, distillate fuel oils, residual fuel oils, lubricants, petroleum solvents, and used oils. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Regulating board: means the entity organized pursuant to state law that licenses and regulates the practice of the profession that a limited liability partnership is organized to provide. See Utah Code 48-1d-1301
- Regulating board: means the entity organized pursuant to state law that licenses and regulates the practice of the profession that a limited liability company is organized to provide. See Utah Code 48-3a-1101
- Rehabilitative employment: means any occupation or employment for wage or profit, for which the eligible employee is reasonably qualified to perform based on education, training, or experience. See Utah Code 49-21-102
- Release: includes abandoning or discarding barrels, containers, and other closed receptacles containing any hazardous material or substance, unless the discard or abandonment is authorized under state or federal law, rule, or regulation. See Utah Code 19-6-302
- Release: means spilling, leaking, emitting, discharging, escaping, leaching, or disposing a regulated substance from a petroleum storage tank into ground water, surface water, or subsurface soils. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Remainder: An interest in property that takes effect in the future at a specified time or after the occurrence of some event, such as the death of a life tenant.
- Remand: When an appellate court sends a case back to a lower court for further proceedings.
- Remedial action: means action taken consistent with the substantive requirements of CERCLA according to the procedures established by this part to prevent, eliminate, minimize, mitigate, or clean up the release of a hazardous substance from a facility on the hazardous substances priority list. See Utah Code 19-6-302
- Remedial action plan: means a plan for remedial action consistent with the substantive requirements of CERCLA and approved by the executive director. See Utah Code 19-6-302
- Remedial investigation: means a remedial investigation and feasibility study as defined in the National Contingency Plan established by CERCLA. See Utah Code 19-6-302
- Reported property: means property that is the subject of a law enforcement report under Section 19-6-903. See Utah Code 19-6-902
- Required information: means the information that a limited partnership is required to maintain under Section 48-2e-115. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Requirement: means an ordinance, policy, rule, mandate, or other directive that imposes a legal duty on a person. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Rescission: The cancellation of budget authority previously provided by Congress. The Impoundment Control Act of 1974 specifies that the President may propose to Congress that funds be rescinded. If both Houses have not approved a rescission proposal (by passing legislation) within 45 days of continuous session, any funds being withheld must be made available for obligation.
- Residence: means an improvement to real property used or occupied as a primary or secondary detached single-family dwelling. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Resource recovery: means the separation, extraction, recycling, or recovery of usable material, energy, fuel, or heat from solid waste and the disposition of it. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Responsible party: means :(21)(a)(i) the owner or operator of a facility;(21)(a)(ii) any person who, at the time any hazardous substance or material was disposed of at the facility, owned or operated the facility;(21)(a)(iii) any person who arranged for disposal or treatment, or arranged with a transporter for transport, for disposal, or treatment of hazardous materials or substances owned or possessed by the person, at any facility owned or operated by another person and containing the hazardous materials or substances; or(21)(a)(iv) any person who accepts or accepted any hazardous materials or substances for transport to a facility selected by that person from which there is a release that causes the incurrence of response costs. See Utah Code 19-6-302
- Responsible party: is a s defined in Subsections (27)(a)(i), (ii), and (iii) does not include:(27)(b)(i) a person who is not an operator and, without participating in the management of a facility and otherwise not engaged in petroleum production, refining, and marketing, holds indicia of ownership:(27)(b)(i)(A) primarily to protect the person's security interest in the facility; or(27)(b)(i)(B) as a fiduciary or custodian under Title 75, Utah Uniform Probate Code, or under an employee benefit plan; or(27)(b)(ii) governmental ownership or control of property by involuntary transfers as provided in CERCLA Section 101(20)(D), Utah Code 19-6-402
- Rests directly on the ground: means that at least some portion of a petroleum storage tank situated aboveground is in direct contact with soil. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Retiree: means an individual who has qualified for an allowance under this title. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Retirement: means the status of an individual who has become eligible, applies for, and is entitled to receive an allowance under this title. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- retirement allowance: means the pension plus the annuity, including any cost of living or other authorized adjustments to the pension and annuity. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Retirement date: means the date selected by the member on which the member's retirement becomes effective with the office. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Reuse: means to use an industrial byproduct in place of a raw material. See Utah Code 19-6-1102
- Reuse: means electronic waste:(9)(a) that is tested and determined to be in good working order; and(9)(b) that is removed from the waste stream to use for the same purpose for which it was manufactured, including the continued use of the whole system or components. See Utah Code 19-6-1202
- Revenue: means the increase in ownership equity during a designated period of time that is recognized as earned. See Utah Code 51-5-3
- Review: means performing inquiry and analytical procedures that provide the accountant with a reasonable basis for expressing limited assurance that there are no material modifications that should be made to the financial statements for them to be in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. See Utah Code 51-2a-102
- right of contribution: means property or a benefit described in Section 48-1d-501 which is provided by a person to a partnership to become a partner or in the person's capacity as a partner. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- right of contribution: means property or a benefit described in Section 48-2e-501 which is provided by a person to a limited partnership to become a partner or in the person's capacity as a partner. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- right of contribution: means property or a benefit described in Section 48-3a-402, which is provided by a person to a limited liability company to become a member or in the person's capacity as a member. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Road: includes :(33)(a) a public bridge;(33)(b) a county way;(33)(c) a county road;(33)(d) a common road; and(33)(e) a state road. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- sale: means any transfer for consideration of title or of the right to use by lease or sales contract of a consumer electronic device to a consumer. See Utah Code 19-6-1202
- Scored site: means a facility in Utah that meets the requirements of scoring established by the National Contingency Plan for placement on the National Priority List. See Utah Code 19-6-302
- Series: means a series created in accordance with Part 12, Series Limited Liability Companies. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Service credit: means :(50)(a) the period during which an employee is employed and compensated by a participating employer and meets the eligibility requirements for membership in a system or the Utah Governors' and Legislators' Retirement Plan, provided that any required contributions are paid to the office; and(50)(b) periods of time otherwise purchasable under this title. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Service of process: The service of writs or summonses to the appropriate party.
- Settlement: Parties to a lawsuit resolve their difference without having a trial. Settlements often involve the payment of compensation by one party in satisfaction of the other party's claims.
- Shredded waste tires: means waste tires or material derived from waste tires that has been reduced to a six inch square or smaller. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Sign: means , with present intent to authenticate or adopt a record:(22)(a) to execute or adopt a tangible symbol; or(22)(b) to attach to or logically associate with the record an electronic symbol, sound, or process. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Sign: means , with present intent to authenticate or adopt a record:(23)(a) to execute or adopt a tangible symbol; or(23)(b) to attach to or logically associate with the record an electronic symbol, sound, or process. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Sign: means , with present intent to authenticate or adopt a record:(26)(a) to execute or adopt a tangible symbol; or(26)(b) to attach to or logically associate with the record an electronic symbol, sound, or process. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Signature: includes a name, mark, or sign written with the intent to authenticate an instrument or writing. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Site: means land used for the treatment, disposal, or storage of hazardous wastes. See Utah Code 19-6-202
- Siting plan: means the state hazardous waste facilities siting plan adopted by the board pursuant to Sections 19-6-204 and 19-6-205. See Utah Code 19-6-202
- Solid waste: means garbage, refuse, sludge, including sludge from a waste treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility, or other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material resulting from industrial, commercial, mining, or agricultural operations and from community activities. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Solid waste: means a putrescible or nonputrescible material or substance discarded or rejected as being spent, useless, worthless, or in excess of the owner's needs at the time of discard or rejection, including:(21)(a)(i) garbage;(21)(a)(ii) refuse;(21)(a)(iii) industrial and commercial waste;(21)(a)(iv) sludge from an air or water control facility;(21)(a)(v) rubbish;(21)(a)(vi) ash;(21)(a)(vii) contained gaseous material;(21)(a)(viii) incinerator residue;(21)(a)(ix) demolition and construction debris;(21)(a)(x) a discarded automobile; and(21)(a)(xi) offal. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Solid waste management: means the purposeful and systematic collection, transportation, storage, processing, recovery, or disposal of solid waste. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Solid waste management facility: means the same as that term is defined in Section 19-6-502. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Solid waste management facility: means a facility employed for solid waste management, including:(23)(a)(i) a transfer station;(23)(a)(ii) a transport system;(23)(a)(iii) a baling facility;(23)(a)(iv) a landfill; and(23)(a)(v) a processing system, including:(23)(a)(v)(A) a resource recovery facility;(23)(a)(v)(B) a facility for reducing solid waste volume;(23)(a)(v)(C) a plant or facility for compacting, or composting, of solid waste;(23)(a)(v)(D) an incinerator;(23)(a)(v)(E) a solid waste disposal, reduction, pyrolization, or conversion facility;(23)(a)(v)(F) a facility for resource recovery of energy consisting of:(23)(a)(v)(F)(I) a facility for the production, transmission, distribution, and sale of heat and steam;(23)(a)(v)(F)(II) a facility for the generation and sale of electric energy to a public utility, municipality, or other public entity that owns and operates an electric power system on March 15, 1982; and(23)(a)(v)(F)(III) a facility for the generation, sale, and transmission of electric energy on an emergency basis only to a military installation of the United States; and(23)(a)(v)(G) an auxiliary energy facility that is connected to a facility for resource recovery of energy as described in Subsection (23)(a)(v)(F), that:(23)(a)(v)(G)(I) is fueled by natural gas, landfill gas, or both;(23)(a)(v)(G)(II) consists of a facility for the production, transmission, distribution, and sale of supplemental heat and steam to meet all or a portion of the heat and steam requirements of a military installation of the United States; and(23)(a)(v)(G)(III) consists of a facility for the generation, transmission, distribution, and sale of electric energy to a public utility, a municipality described in Subsection (23)(a)(v)(F)(II), or a political subdivision created under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Solvolysis: means a manufacturing process that:(24)(a) purifies post-use polymers using solvents, while heated at low temperatures or pressurized, allowing additives and contaminants to be removed;(24)(b) uses technology, including:(24)(b)(i) hydrolysis;(24)(b)(ii) aminolysis;(24)(b)(iii) ammonoloysis;(24)(b)(iv) methanoloysis; or(24)(b)(v) glycolysis; and(24)(c) manufactures products, including:(24)(c)(i) monomers;(24)(c)(ii) intermediates;(24)(c)(iii) valuable chemicals;(24)(c)(iv) chemical feedstock; or(24)(c)(v) raw materials. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Specific public benefit: includes :(8)(a) providing low-income or underserved individuals or communities with beneficial products or services;(8)(b) promoting economic opportunity for individuals or communities beyond the creation of jobs in the normal course of business;(8)(c) protecting or restoring the environment;(8)(d) improving human health;(8)(e) promoting the arts, sciences, or advancement of knowledge;(8)(f) increasing the flow of capital to entities with a purpose to benefit society or the environment; and(8)(g) conferring any other particular benefit on society or the environment. See Utah Code 48-4-103
- State: means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- State: means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- State: means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes a state, district, or territory of the United States. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- State Fire Code: means the State Fire Code adopted by Chapter 5, State Fire Code Act. See Utah Code 15A-1-102
- Statute: A law passed by a legislature.
- Storage: means the actual or intended containment of solid or hazardous waste either on a temporary basis or for a period of years in such a manner as not to constitute disposal of the waste. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Storage: means the containment of hazardous wastes for a period of more than 90 days. See Utah Code 19-6-202
- Storage: means the placement of waste tires in a manner that does not constitute disposal of the waste tires. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Store: means to place waste tires in a manner that does not constitute disposal of the waste tires. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Strenuous activity: includes participating in a participating employer sanctioned and funded training exercise that involves difficult, stressful, or vigorous physical activity. See Utah Code 49-14-102
- Strenuous activity: includes participating in a participating employer sanctioned and funded training exercise that involves difficult, stressful, or vigorous physical activity. See Utah Code 49-15-102
- Strenuous activity: includes participating in a participating employer sanctioned and funded training exercise that involves difficult, stressful, or vigorous physical activity. See Utah Code 49-16-102
- Strenuous activity: includes participating in a participating employer sanctioned and funded training exercise that involves difficult, stressful, or vigorous physical activity. See Utah Code 49-23-102
- Subpoena: A command to a witness to appear and give testimony.
- Subsidiary: means , in relation to a person, an entity in which the person owns beneficially or of record, 50% or more of the outstanding equity interests, calculated as if all outstanding rights to acquire equity interests in the entity have been exercised. See Utah Code 48-4-103
- Surplus: means the excess of the assets of a fund over its liabilities and restricted fund equity. See Utah Code 51-5-3
- Surviving spouse: means :(51)(a) the lawful spouse who has been married to a member for at least six months immediately before the death date of the member; or(51)(b) a former lawful spouse of a member with a valid domestic relations order benefits on file with the office before the member's death date in accordance with Section 49-11-612. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- System: means the individual retirement systems created by Chapter 12, Public Employees' Contributory Retirement Act, Chapter 13, Public Employees' Noncontributory Retirement Act, Chapter 14, Public Safety Contributory Retirement Act, Chapter 15, Public Safety Noncontributory Retirement Act, Chapter 16, Firefighters' Retirement Act, Chapter 17, Judges' Contributory Retirement Act, Chapter 18, Judges' Noncontributory Retirement Act, and Chapter 19, Utah Governors' and Legislators' Retirement Act, the defined benefit portion of the Tier II Hybrid Retirement System under Chapter 22, Part 3, Tier II Hybrid Retirement System, and the defined benefit portion of the Tier II Hybrid Retirement System under Chapter 23, Part 3, Tier II Hybrid Retirement System. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- System: means the Public Employees' Contributory Retirement System created under this chapter. See Utah Code 49-12-102
- System: means the Public Employees' Noncontributory Retirement System. See Utah Code 49-13-102
- System: means the Public Safety Contributory Retirement System created under this chapter. See Utah Code 49-14-102
- System: means the Public Safety Noncontributory Retirement System created under this chapter. See Utah Code 49-15-102
- System: means the Firefighters' Retirement System created under this chapter. See Utah Code 49-16-102
- System: means the Judges' Contributory Retirement System created under this chapter. See Utah Code 49-17-102
- System: means the Judges' Noncontributory Retirement System created under this chapter. See Utah Code 49-18-102
- System: means the New Public Employees' Tier II Contributory Retirement System created under this chapter. See Utah Code 49-22-102
- System: means the New Public Safety and Firefighter Tier II Contributory Retirement System created under this chapter. See Utah Code 49-23-102
- Technical college: means the same as that term is defined in Section Utah Code 49-11-102
- Television: means a display system primarily intended to receive video programming via broadcast, cable, or satellite transmission. See Utah Code 19-6-1202
- Temporary restraining order: Prohibits a person from an action that is likely to cause irreparable harm. This differs from an injunction in that it may be granted immediately, without notice to the opposing party, and without a hearing. It is intended to last only until a hearing can be held.
- Tenancy in common: A type of property ownership in which two or more individuals have an undivided interest in property. At the death of one tenant in common, his (her) fractional percentage of ownership in the property passes to the decedent
- Testimony: Evidence presented orally by witnesses during trials or before grand juries.
- Third-party certification system: means an international or multinational third-party certification system of rules to implement mass balance attribution approaches for advanced recycling, including:(25)(a) International Sustainability and Carbon Certification;(25)(b) Underwriter Laboratories;(25)(c) SCS Recycled Content;(25)(d) Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials;(25)(e) Ecoloop; or(25)(f) REDcert2. See Utah Code 19-6-502
- Third-party standard: means a standard for defining, reporting, and assessing overall social and environmental performance that:(10)(a) assesses the effect of a business and a business's operations on the interests described in Subsections 48-4-301(1)(a)(ii) through (v);(10)(b) is developed by an entity:(10)(b)(i) that is independent of the benefit company;(10)(b)(ii) whose governing body is comprised of no more than one-third of members who are representatives of any of the following:(10)(b)(ii)(A) an association of businesses that operate in a specific industry whose members are measured by the standard;(10)(b)(ii)(B) businesses from a specific industry or an association of businesses in that industry; or(10)(b)(ii)(C) businesses whose performance is assessed against the standard;(10)(b)(iii) that is not materially financed by an association or business described in Subsection (10)(b)(ii);(10)(b)(iv) that has access to necessary expertise to assess overall social and environmental performance;(10)(b)(v) uses a balanced multistakeholder approach to develop the standard, including a public comment period of at least 30 days; and(10)(b)(vi) makes the following information publically available:(10)(b)(vi)(A) the criteria considered when measuring the overall social and environmental performance of a business;(10)(b)(vi)(B) the relative weightings, if any, of the criteria described in Subsection (10)(b)(vi)(A);(10)(b)(vi)(C) the identity of each director, officer, material owner, and governing body of the entity that developed and controls revisions to the standard;(10)(b)(vi)(D) the process by which revisions to the standard and changes to the membership of the governing body are made; and(10)(b)(vi)(E) an accounting of the revenue and sources of financial support for the entity, with sufficient detail to disclose a relationship that could reasonably be considered to present a potential conflict of interest. See Utah Code 48-4-103
- Three-quarter time: means :(5)(a) a firefighter service employee whose employment normally requires an average of 1,560 hours of regularly scheduled firefighter service per year;(5)(b) a public safety service employee whose employment normally requires an average of 1,560 hours of regularly scheduled public safety service per year; and(5)(c) for a retiree who was employed before retirement as a public safety service employee or a firefighter service employee in a position for which the participating employer established a regularly scheduled work period in excess of 2,080 hours per year, three quarters of that regularly scheduled work period as long as the retiree has continuing employment in that same position. See Utah Code 49-11-1301
- Tier I: means a system or plan under this title for which:(54)(a) an employee is eligible to participate if the employee initially enters regular full-time employment before July 1, 2011; or(54)(b) a governor or legislator who initially enters office before July 1, 2011. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Tier II: includes :(55)(b)(i) the Tier II hybrid system established under:(55)(b)(i)(A) Chapter 22, Part 3, Tier II Hybrid Retirement System; or(55)(b)(i)(B) Chapter 23, Part 3, Tier II Hybrid Retirement System; and(55)(b)(ii) the Tier II Defined Contribution Plan (Tier II DC Plan) established under:(55)(b)(ii)(A) Chapter 22, Part 4, Tier II Defined Contribution Plan; or(55)(b)(ii)(B) Chapter 23, Part 4, Tier II Defined Contribution Plan. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Tire: means a pneumatic rubber covering designed to encircle the wheel of a vehicle in which a person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Tire retailer: means a person engaged in the business of selling new tires either as replacement tires or as part of a new vehicle sale. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Token: means a record on a permissionless blockchain that represents an asset, participation right, or other entitlement. See Utah Code 48-5-101
- Tort: A civil wrong or breach of a duty to another person, as outlined by law. A very common tort is negligent operation of a motor vehicle that results in property damage and personal injury in an automobile accident.
- Total disability: means :(15)(a) own occupation disability; or(15)(b) ongoing disability. See Utah Code 49-21-102
- Town: includes , depending on population, a metro township as defined in Section
10-3c-102 . See Utah Code 68-3-12.5 - Transfer: includes :(24)(a) an assignment;(24)(b) a conveyance;(24)(c) a sale;(24)(d) a lease;(24)(e) an encumbrance, including a mortgage or security interest;(24)(f) a gift; and(24)(g) a transfer by operation of law. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Transfer: includes :(25)(a) an assignment;(25)(b) a conveyance;(25)(c) a sale;(25)(d) a lease;(25)(e) an encumbrance, including a mortgage or security interest;(25)(f) a gift; and(25)(g) a transfer by operation of law. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Transfer: includes :(28)(a) an assignment;(28)(b) a conveyance;(28)(c) a sale;(28)(d) a lease;(28)(e) an encumbrance, including a mortgage or security interest;(28)(f) a gift; and(28)(g) a transfer by operation of law. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Transfer: means the collection of nonhazardous solid waste from a permanent, fixed, supplemental collection facility for movement to a vehicle for movement to an offsite nonhazardous solid waste storage or disposal facility. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Transferable interest: means the right, as initially owned by a person in the person's capacity as a partner, to receive distributions from a partnership in accordance with the partnership agreement, whether or not the person remains a partner or continues to own any part of the right. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Transferable interest: means the right, as initially owned by a person in the person's capacity as a partner, to receive distributions from a limited partnership in accordance with the partnership agreement, whether or not the person remains a partner or continues to own any part of the right. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Transferable interest: means the right, as initially owned by a person in the person's capacity as a member, to receive distributions from a limited liability company in accordance with the operating agreement, whether or not the person remains a member or continues to own any part of the right. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Transferee: means a person to which all or part of a transferable interest has been transferred, whether or not the transferor is a partner. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Transferee: means a person to which all or part of a transferable interest has been transferred, whether or not the transferor is a partner. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Transferee: means a person to which all or part of a transferable interest has been transferred, whether or not the transferor is a member. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Transportation: means the off-site movement of solid or hazardous waste to any intermediate point or to any point of storage, treatment, or disposal. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Treatment: means a method, technique, or process designed to change the physical, chemical, or biological character or composition of any solid or hazardous waste so as to neutralize the waste or render the waste nonhazardous, safer for transport, amenable for recovery, amenable to storage, or reduced in volume. See Utah Code 19-6-102
- Treatment: means any method, technique, or process designed to change the physical, chemical, or biological character or composition of any hazardous waste to neutralize or render it nonhazardous, safer for transport, amenable to recovery or storage, convertible to another usable material, or reduced in volume and suitable for ultimate disposal. See Utah Code 19-6-202
- Trial: A hearing that takes place when the defendant pleads "not guilty" and witnesses are required to come to court to give evidence.
- Tribal limited liability company: means a limited liability company that is:(31)(a) formed under the law of a tribe; and(31)(b) at least 51% owned or controlled by the tribe under whose law the limited liability company is formed. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Tribal limited partnership: means a limited partnership:(28)(a) formed under the law of a tribe; and(28)(b) that is at least 51% owned or controlled by the tribe under whose law the limited partnership is formed. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Tribe: means a tribe, band, nation, pueblo, or other organized group or community of Indians, including an Alaska Native village, that is legally recognized as eligible for and is consistent with a special program, service, or entitlement provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians. See Utah Code 48-1d-102
- Tribe: means a tribe, band, nation, pueblo, or other organized group or community of Indians, including an Alaska Native village, that is legally recognized as eligible for and is consistent with a special program, service, or entitlement provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians. See Utah Code 48-2e-102
- Tribe: means a tribe, band, nation, pueblo, or other organized group or community of Indians, including an Alaska Native village that is legally recognized as eligible for and is consistent with a special program, service, or entitlement provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians. See Utah Code 48-3a-102
- Trust account: A general term that covers all types of accounts in a trust department, such as estates, guardianships, and agencies. Source: OCC
- Trustee: A person or institution holding and administering property in trust.
- Ultimate product: includes pyrolized materials derived from:(28)(b)(i) waste tires; or(28)(b)(ii) chipped tires. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Underground piping: means piping that is buried in the ground that is in direct contact with soil and connected to an aboveground petroleum storage tank. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Underground storage tank: means a tank that is regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Utah Code 19-6-102
- Underground storage tank: means a tank regulated under Subtitle I, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Utah Code 19-6-402
- Underground storage tank installation company: means a person, firm, partnership, corporation, governmental entity, association, or other organization that installs underground storage tanks. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Underground storage tank installation company permit: means a permit issued to an underground storage tank installation company by the director. See Utah Code 19-6-402
- Uniformed services: means :(40)(a) the armed forces;(40)(b) the commissioned corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; and(40)(c) the commissioned corps of the United States Public Health Service. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- United States: includes each state, district, and territory of the United States of America. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Utah Board of Higher Education: means the Utah Board of Higher Education described in Section 53B-1-402. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Utah Code: means the Utah Code Annotated (1953), as amended. See Utah Code 15A-1-102
- Utah Code: means the 1953 recodification of the Utah Code, as amended, unless the text expressly references a portion of the 1953 recodification of the Utah Code as it existed:(42)(a) on the day on which the 1953 recodification of the Utah Code was enacted; or(42)(b)(42)(b)(i) after the day described in Subsection (42)(a); and(42)(b)(ii) before the most recent amendment to the referenced portion of the 1953 recodification of the Utah Code. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Venue: The geographical location in which a case is tried.
- Verdict: The decision of a petit jury or a judge.
- Vessel: when used with reference to shipping, includes a steamboat, canal boat, and every structure adapted to be navigated from place to place. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Voluntary deferrals: means an amount contributed by a participant into that participant's defined contribution account. See Utah Code 49-11-102
- Volunteer firefighter: means any individual who is not regularly employed as a firefighter service employee, but who:(13)(a)(i) has been trained in firefighter techniques and skills;(13)(a)(ii) continues to receive regular firefighter training; and(13)(a)(iii) is on the rolls of a legally organized volunteer fire department that provides ongoing training and serves a political subdivision of the state. See Utah Code 49-16-102
- Volunteer firefighter: means any individual who is not regularly employed as a firefighter service employee, but who:(14)(a)(i) has been trained in firefighter techniques and skills;(14)(a)(ii) continues to receive regular firefighter training; and(14)(a)(iii) is on the rolls of a legally organized volunteer fire department that provides ongoing training and serves a political subdivision of the state. See Utah Code 49-23-102
- Waste tire: means :(29)(a) a tire that is no longer suitable for the tire's original intended purpose because of wear, damage, or defect; or(29)(b) a tire that a tire retailer removes from a vehicle for replacement with a new or used tire. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Waste tire pile: means a pile of 200 or more waste tires at one location. See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Waste tire transporter: includes a person engaged in the business of collecting, hauling, or transporting waste tires or who performs these functions for another person, except as provided in Subsection (31)(c). See Utah Code 19-6-803
- Writ: A formal written command, issued from the court, requiring the performance of a specific act.
- Writ: means an order or precept in writing, issued in the name of:(47)(a) the state;(47)(b) a court; or(47)(c) a judicial officer. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Writing: includes :(48)(a) printing;(48)(b) handwriting; and(48)(c) information stored in an electronic or other medium if the information is retrievable in a perceivable format. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Years of service credit: means :(7)(a) a period consisting of 12 full months as determined by the board;(7)(b) a period determined by the board, whether consecutive or not, during which a regular full-time employee performed services for a participating employer, including any time the regular full-time employee was absent on a paid leave of absence granted by a participating employer or was absent in the service of the United States government on military duty as provided by this chapter; or(7)(c) the regular school year consisting of not less than eight months of full-time service for a regular full-time employee of an educational institution. See Utah Code 49-12-102
- Years of service credit: means :(7)(a) a period consisting of 12 full months as determined by the board;(7)(b) a period determined by the board, whether consecutive or not, during which a regular full-time employee performed services for a participating employer, including any time the regular full-time employee was absent on a paid leave of absence granted by a participating employer or was absent in the service of the United States government on military duty as provided by this chapter; or(7)(c) the regular school year consisting of not less than eight months of full-time service for a regular full-time employee of an educational institution. See Utah Code 49-13-102
- Years of service credit: means the number of periods, each to consist of 12 full months as determined by the board, whether consecutive or not, during which a public safety service employee was employed by a participating employer, including time the public safety service employee was absent in the service of the United States government on military duty. See Utah Code 49-14-102
- Years of service credit: means the number of periods, each to consist of 12 full months as determined by the board, whether consecutive or not, during which a public safety service employee was employed by a participating employer, including time the public safety service employee was absent in the service of the United States government on military duty. See Utah Code 49-15-102
- Years of service credit: means the number of periods, each to consist of 12 full months as determined by the board, whether consecutive or not, during which a firefighter service employee was employed by a participating employer or received full-time pay while on sick leave, including any time the firefighter service employee was absent in the service of the United States on military duty. See Utah Code 49-16-102
- Years of service credit: means the number of periods, each to consist of 12 full months as determined by the board, whether consecutive or not, during which a judge was employed by a participating employer. See Utah Code 49-17-102
- Years of service credit: means the number of periods, each to consist of 12 full months or as determined by the board, whether consecutive or not, during which a judge was employed by a participating employer. See Utah Code 49-18-102
- Years of service credit: means :(8)(a) a period consisting of 12 full months as determined by the board;(8)(b) a period determined by the board, whether consecutive or not, during which a regular full-time employee performed services for a participating employer, including any time the regular full-time employee was absent on a paid leave of absence granted by a participating employer or was absent in the service of the United States government on military duty as provided by this chapter; or(8)(c) the regular school year consisting of not less than eight months of full-time service for a regular full-time employee of an educational institution. See Utah Code 49-22-102
- Years of service credit: means :(15)(a) a period, consisting of 12 full months as determined by the board; or(15)(b) a period determined by the board, whether consecutive or not, during which a regular full-time employee performed services for a participating employer, including any time the regular full-time employee was absent on a paid leave of absence granted by a participating employer or was absent in the service of the United States government on military duty as provided by this chapter. See Utah Code 49-23-102