Utah Code > Title 20A > Chapter 9 > Part 4 – Primary Elections
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Terms Used In Utah Code > Title 20A > Chapter 9 > Part 4 - Primary Elections
- Appeal: A request made after a trial, asking another court (usually the court of appeals) to decide whether the trial was conducted properly. To make such a request is "to appeal" or "to take an appeal." One who appeals is called the appellant.
- Ballot: means the storage medium, including a paper, mechanical, or electronic storage medium, that records an individual voter's vote. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
- Board: means the Utah Board of Higher Education described in Section 53B-1-402. See Utah Code 53B-1-101.5
- bound: means securing more than one piece of paper together using staples or another means in at least three places across the top of the paper in the blank space reserved for securing the paper. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
- Candidates for elective office: means persons who file a declaration of candidacy under Section 20A-9-202 to run in a regular general election for a federal office, constitutional office, multicounty office, or county office. See Utah Code 20A-9-101
- Canvass: means the review of election returns and the official declaration of election results by the board of canvassers. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
- City: includes , depending on population, a metro township as defined in Section
10-3c-102 . See Utah Code 68-3-12.5 - Complaint: A written statement by the plaintiff stating the wrongs allegedly committed by the defendant.
- Constitutional office: means the state offices of governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state auditor, and state treasurer. See Utah Code 20A-9-101
- Continuing political party: means the same as that term is defined in Section 20A-8-101. See Utah Code 20A-9-101
- Convention: means the political party convention at which party officers and delegates are selected. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
- Corporation: A legal entity owned by the holders of shares of stock that have been issued, and that can own, receive, and transfer property, and carry on business in its own name.
- Cost of attendance: includes tuition, costs payable to the eligible institution, and other direct educational expenses related to taking an online course. See Utah Code 53B-13c-101
- County office: means an elective office where the officeholder is selected by voters entirely within one county. See Utah Code 20A-9-101
- Election: means a regular general election, a municipal general election, a statewide special election, a local special election, a regular primary election, a municipal primary election, and a special district election. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
- Election officer: means :(23)(a) the lieutenant governor, for all statewide ballots and elections;(23)(b) the county clerk for:(23)(b)(i) a county ballot and election; and(23)(b)(ii) a ballot and election as a provider election officer as provided in Section
Utah Code 20A-1-102 - Electronic candidate qualification process: means :(5)(a) as it relates to a registered political party that is not a qualified political party, the process for gathering signatures electronically to seek the nomination of a registered political party, described in:(5)(a)(i) Section 20A-9-403;(5)(a)(ii) Section 20A-9-405, except Subsections 20A-9-405(3) and (5); and(5)(a)(iii) Section 20A-21-201; and(5)(b) as it relates to a qualified political party, the process, for gathering signatures electronically to seek the nomination of a registered political party, described in:(5)(b)(i) Section 20A-9-405, except Subsections 20A-9-405(3) and (5);(5)(b)(ii) Section 20A-9-408; and(5)(b)(iii) Section 20A-21-201. See Utah Code 20A-9-101
- Eligible institution: means an institution that offers a postsecondary level course of instruction using digital technology. See Utah Code 53B-13c-101
- Eligible student: means a financially needy student who is:(3)(a) at least 26 years old;(3)(b) enrolled in an online course at an eligible institution;(3)(c) pursuing:(3)(c)(i) an online postsecondary degree program in a field where there is a demonstrated industry need; or(3)(c)(ii) an online non-degree program that is designed to meet industry needs and leads to a certificate or another recognized educational credential; and(3)(d) a resident student under Section 53B-8-102 and rules the board establishes. See Utah Code 53B-13c-101
- Equal: means , with respect to biological sex, of the same value. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
- Federal office: means an elective office for United States Senator and United States Representative. See Utah Code 20A-9-101
- Filing officer: means :(7)(a) the lieutenant governor, for:(7)(a)(i) the office of United States Senator and United States Representative; and(7)(a)(ii) all constitutional offices;(7)(b) for the office of a state senator, state representative, or the state school board, the lieutenant governor or the applicable clerk described in Subsection (7)(c) or (d);(7)(c) the county clerk, for county offices and local school district offices;(7)(d) the county clerk in the filer's county of residence, for multicounty offices;(7)(e) the city or town clerk, for municipal offices; or(7)(f) the special district clerk, for special district offices. See Utah Code 20A-9-101
- Financially needy student: means a student who demonstrates the financial inability to meet all or a portion of the cost of attendance at an eligible institution as defined by the board, after utilizing family and personal resources, federal assistance, and scholarships. See Utah Code 53B-13c-101
- Institution: means :(6)(a) an institution described in Section 53B-1-102; or(6)(b) a Utah private, nonprofit postsecondary institution that is accredited by an accrediting organization that the United States Department of Education recognizes. See Utah Code 53B-13c-101
- Lien: A claim against real or personal property in satisfaction of a debt.
- Manual candidate qualification process: means the process for gathering signatures to seek the nomination of a registered political party, using paper signature packets that a signer physically signs. See Utah Code 20A-9-101
- Mechanical ballot: means a record, including a paper record, electronic record, or mechanical record, that:(35)(a) is created via electronic or mechanical means; and(35)(b) records an individual voter's vote cast via a method other than an individual directly placing a mark, using a pen or other marking instrument, to record an individual voter's vote. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
- Multicounty office: means an elective office where the officeholder is selected by the voters from more than one county. See Utah Code 20A-9-101
- Municipal office: means an elective office in a municipality. See Utah Code 20A-9-101
- Municipal primary election: means an election held to nominate candidates for municipal office. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
- Municipality: means a city or town. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
- Official ballot: means the ballots distributed by the election officer for voters to record their votes. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
- Online course: means a postsecondary level course of instruction offered by an eligible institution using digital technology. See Utah Code 53B-13c-101
- Person: means :(24)(a) an individual;(24)(b) an association;(24)(c) an institution;(24)(d) a corporation;(24)(e) a company;(24)(f) a trust;(24)(g) a limited liability company;(24)(h) a partnership;(24)(i) a political subdivision;(24)(j) a government office, department, division, bureau, or other body of government; and(24)(k) any other organization or entity. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Political division: includes a county, a city, a town, a special district, a school district, a legislative district, and a county prosecution district. See Utah Code 20A-9-101
- Political party: means an organization of registered voters that has qualified to participate in an election by meeting the requirements of Chapter 8, Political Party Formation and Procedures. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
- Polling place: means a building where voting is conducted. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
- Position: means a square, circle, rectangle, or other geometric shape on a ballot in which the voter marks the voter's choice. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
- Presiding officer: A majority-party Senator who presides over the Senate and is charged with maintaining order and decorum, recognizing Members to speak, and interpreting the Senate's rules, practices and precedents.
- Process: means a writ or summons issued in the course of a judicial proceeding. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Program: means the Adult Learners Grant Program established in Section 53B-13c-102. See Utah Code 53B-13c-101
- qualified: means to take the oath of office and begin performing the duties of the position for which the individual was elected. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
- Qualified political party: means a registered political party that:(13)(a)(13)(a)(i) permits a delegate for the registered political party to vote on a candidate nomination in the registered political party's convention remotely; or(13)(a)(ii) provides a procedure for designating an alternate delegate if a delegate is not present at the registered political party's convention;(13)(b) does not hold the registered political party's convention before the fourth Saturday in March of an even-numbered year;(13)(c) permits a member of the registered political party to seek the registered political party's nomination for any elective office by the member choosing to seek the nomination by either or both of the following methods:(13)(c)(i) seeking the nomination through the registered political party's convention process, in accordance with the provisions of Section 20A-9-407; or(13)(c)(ii) seeking the nomination by collecting signatures, in accordance with the provisions of Section 20A-9-408; and(13)(d)(13)(d)(i) if the registered political party is a continuing political party, no later than 5 p. See Utah Code 20A-9-101
- Registration form: means a form by which an individual may register to vote under this title. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
- Regular general election: means the election held throughout the state on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each even-numbered year for the purposes established in Section
20A-1-201 . See Utah Code 20A-1-102 - Regular primary election: means the election, held on the date specified in Section
Utah Code 20A-1-102 - Resident: means a person who resides within a specific voting precinct in Utah. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
- Sex: means , in relation to an individual, the individual's biological sex, either male or female, at birth, according to distinct reproductive roles as manifested by:(34)(a) sex and reproductive organ anatomy;(34)(b) chromosomal makeup; and(34)(c) endogenous hormone profiles. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Signature: includes a name, mark, or sign written with the intent to authenticate an instrument or writing. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes a state, district, or territory of the United States. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Swear: includes "affirm. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Testimony: Evidence presented orally by witnesses during trials or before grand juries.
- Town: includes , depending on population, a metro township as defined in Section
10-3c-102 . See Utah Code 68-3-12.5 - Tuition: means tuition and fees at the rate charged for residents of the state. See Utah Code 53B-13c-101
- United States: includes each state, district, and territory of the United States of America. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5
- Vacancy: means :(75)(a) except as provided in Subsection (75)(b), the absence of an individual to serve in a position created by state constitution or state statute, whether that absence occurs because of death, disability, disqualification, resignation, or other cause ; or(75)(b) in relation to a candidate for a position created by state constitution or state statute, the removal of a candidate due to the candidate's death, resignation, or disqualification. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
- Voter: means an individual who:(79)(a) meets the requirements for voting in an election;(79)(b) meets the requirements of election registration;(79)(c) is registered to vote; and(79)(d) is listed in the official register book. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
- Voting precinct: means the smallest geographical voting unit, established under Chapter 5, Part 3, Duties of the County and Municipal Legislative Bodies. See Utah Code 20A-1-102
- Writing: includes :(48)(a) printing;(48)(b) handwriting; and(48)(c) information stored in an electronic or other medium if the information is retrievable in a perceivable format. See Utah Code 68-3-12.5